Welcome to a new year filled with new hopes, new dreams, new adventures, and new goals.
So many new resolutions for us to start over and do better.
We have all these big dreams, BUT where is all the money and resources going to come from so we can accomplish everything we would love this year?
Watch the video to learn about increasing your financial abundance.
The workshop TONIGHT at 8 PM CST is Four Simple Secrets to Increasing Financial Abundance.
It is based on my recently released eBook which has four secrets, but tonight I will give you a fifth powerful secret to increase your abundance even faster.
I hope to see you tonight on zoom. Just click here to register.
Let’s have some fun and learn something new and simple that will bring more and more into your life.
We are about to start a new year; therefore I have created a new workshop for you on January 6th about my e-book.
Watch the video to learn more about the workshop.
The workshop is Four Simple Secrets to Financial Abundance.
It is a new year with New Year’s resolutions.
We want to do more and be more, but where are the resources going to come from to support our dreams?
In one week, January 6th at 8 PM CST, I will come to you via zoom to explain my e-book.
In the published e-book there are only four simple secrets, but I am going to give you a fifth bonus secret that will increase your abundance astronomically.
I would love to see you at the workshop next week!
But until then, have a Happy New Year and enjoy your celebration!
To reserve your spot for this workshop, simply click here.
I want to wish you and yours a merry, merry and AMAZING Christmas.
I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Watch the video so I might wish you a merry Christmas.
I know right now it’s not easy and many of us can’t be with our family and friends.
Please know that I am sending you love, light, energy, happiness and peace.
I hope you will take this time to really calibrate on what is most important in your life.
I hope this week goes well, and I hope you have a fantastic time.
Again, please know I am sending you LOVE and LIGHT.
I am so excited! I will be giving a workshop on my new e-book 4 Simple Secrets to financial abundance. Watch the video to learn more.
On January 6th at 8 PM CST I will be giving a workshop on how to increase your financial abundance. We will be talking about the four points in my book and I will add a 5th secret to those who are attending the workshop.
We will also work on expanding your vision.
With these short secrets, you will be able to increase your finances by bringing in more money and resources so you can accomplish any financial goal.
To reserve your spot, click this link: https://www.drlauracole.com/increasing-financial-abundance
I look forward to seeing you on January 6th.
Jim Carrey speaks powerful words about the Universe. This is something that you can truly take to heart. Watch this video.
It is wonderful to be grateful for what we have, but we can also use gratitude to improve the lives of others.
Watch the attached video to see how we can help transform another’s life to bring health, wealth and happiness.
Rhonda Byrne, in the book The Magic, says, “Energy flows where you intention goes. When you direct the energy of gratitude toward another person’s needs, that’s where the energy goes.
Gratitude is an invisible but real force of energy and coupled with the energy of your desire is just like having a magic wand.”
Think of three people you know are struggling. You can get their picture to add energy to your visualization.
Look at the picture and then close your eyes for one minute and visualize the person’s health, wealth or happiness fully restored.
Then, feel grateful as if you are receiving this news.
Say, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Because the Universe has provided what they wanted and what you would love for them to receive.
You can help transform the lives of others!
I am so thankful for you because you take the time to open these emails.
I love that you are willing to learn and grow in spirituality and to gain a greater peace of mind.
So from my family to yours…HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
During the month of November many of us give thanks for the fun stuff, but do we give thanks for our challenges as well?
Watch the attached video on how to increase your abundance regardless of your current situation.
It’s important to have an “Attitude of Gratitude” no matter what is going on in our lives.
For example, when I was a sign language interpreter, I broke my hand and had to be out of work for over a month.
I went from pity and worry to an “Attitude of Gratitude” and realized how I can be thankful for my hand.
I became appreciative on how easy it was to wash my hair or sign my name. There were so many things I took for granted before my hand was damaged.
In those moments of your life that don’t feel so great, change it to an “Attitude of Gratitude” and be thankful for those harsh moments.
I would love to challenge you to be thankful of 10 situations in your life that did not feel great at the time, but you learned to appreciate them later.
Gratitude will increase your level of abundance and improve your mental health especially in the hardest of times.
There has been a lot of tension in our country over the past few months because of the election.
I would like to give you some encouraging words, so we may come together again and feel peace.
I believe in UNITY. This means are all ONE.
We are all connected from the same energy regardless of which country we are from or which culture we are a member.
In order to come to a more peaceful place, we can pray/meditate for the “HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL.”
This is letting go of the outcome and allowing our Higher Power to make the best decision for all human kind.
Sometimes we don’t like the outcome, but eventually we know it is for our greatest good.
Today, I would love to encourage you to focus on the peace you would like to see in our country and trust that the Universe has our best interests in mind.
Today, I wanted to share an amazing podcast with you that I was recently a part of.
I joined Aren Deu on the Find Your Voice Podcast to discuss how you can bring your thoughts to life.
It was an amazing conversation navigating around spirituality, intuitive pulls from the universe, values and living out our passions, and truly finding our purpose. I want to share it with you.
Once you listen to it, feel free to reply to this email and let me know your biggest takeaways from the interview.
You can listen to this amazing podcast by clicking here.
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