Quiet Contemplation


We were given a soul when we came to this earth to live and love and that same soul will go with us when we die.

This video has a beautiful excerpt from the book Life Lessons by Elizabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler to help us contemplate who we really are.

“You undoubtedly have faults, but they are not you.

You may have a disease, but you are not your diagnosis.

You may be rich, but you are not your credit rating.

You’re not your resume, your neighborhood, your grades, your mistakes, your body,

your roles or your titles.

All these things are not yours because they are changeable.

There is a part of you that is undefinable and changeless.

Who you are is eternal and that will never change.”

When you consider today, “Who am I?” Contemplate if you are living by your title and your salary, or are you living by your soul and love?

Something to think about.

There is No Failure, Only Feedback


There is NO FAILURE unless it stops you from continuing forward. When we feel like it is failure, this is actually a message saying, “There is a BETTER way to do this!”

Watch the attached video to learn more and make sure to see it through to the end for a special prayer that will help when making a tough decision of whether to move on.

If something does come up that feels like a failure, be sure to RESPOND and not react. 

Reacting is saying or doing something without thinking it through first. When this happens there is often regret because the action cannot be retracted.

Responding is taking a deep breath and talking to your Higher Power to really think through what you would like to say or do. 

You get to take as long as you want to respond whether it be 2 seconds, 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months. You DECIDE.

If you are struggling with your response, you can use the prayer of discernment:

If this dream is for my higher good, increase my passion for it. If this dream does not benefit myself and others then redirect me. 

You can depend on the Universe to help you make the decision. 

Becoming the Observer Self


Sometimes we have constrictive thoughts, arguments with other people in our heads, or thoughts of fear and negativity that do not serve us. 

Those thoughts are limiting us because they aren't taking us to the higher fulfillment of what we can be  

How can we find peace?

First, we recognize the body and if it is feeling constrictive and also the thoughts that we do not like.

Next, we become what is called the “observer self”. This is when we step back and look at ourselves as if we are outside of the situation looking in. You detach emotionally as if you are another person watching what is happening.

You say to yourself, “This is not the state I want to be in. I want to have a peaceful state of mind.”

Again, we recognize how our body feels and notice what's happening with our mind. You then decide how you would prefer to feel and change your thoughts.

So today, I want to encourage you to become an “observer self."  Regain control of your thoughts and feelings.

You can feel peaceful again.

Saving Mother Earth One Paper Towel at a Time

I am PASSIONATE about recycling and being kind to our Mother Earth. Watch this short YouTube video on how you can save trees and help our planet one paper towel at a time. 



Transform Your Finances


People keep telling me they would LOVE to increase their FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE and MANIFEST more MONEY, so I decided to publish a FREE e-book called "4 Surprising Secrets to Quickly Increase Financial Abundance".

In this book you will learn how to bring more financial abundance and money into your life. Your resources WILL increase to make life much easier. It’s a tool to bring everything that you would love into your life at a faster pace.

This is a 28 day challenge. I guarantee if you follow these four simple steps MORE will come into your life.

Just go to https://www.drlauracole.com/ and at the top top of the page you will see "4 Surprising Secrets to Quickly Increase Financial Abundance". Click on the book and it is yours!

I would love to hear about your progress, so email me about what is coming into your life [email protected]

I look forward to connecting with your soon.

Letting Go of Trying to Control


Letting go of a situation when you are wanting a different outcome can be difficult.

This will be the last video you see with my niece for a while because her mom has decided to move to Arizona.

Do I like this decision? NO. Did I beg her mom to stay? YES

I would love to have her near me, but that is not their path right now. Everyone has a different path, and it's important we honor it whether we feel it is the right decision or not.

I have no control of her leaving, but I can do what I can to see her as often as possible. I have already bought my plane tickets to go visit her in a month!

I cannot control this situation as much as I would like to, so I am letting her go in peace instead of resistance.

Get on a Higher Vibration for Health

Living at a high vibration can help stave off COVID. This is long, but incredibly helpful.

The COVID has a vibration of 5.5hz, dies above 25.5hz.

For humans with higher vibrations, the virus is a simple flu.

The reasons for having low vibration can be:

  • Fatigue
  • Fear
  • Nervous tension
  • Rage
  • Hate

So we have to vibrate high and not constantly watch the news; so that the frequency does not lower us.

The frequency of the earth today is 27.4hz., but there are places that vibrate very low like:

  • Hospitals
  • Assistance Centers
  • Pubs
  • Jails
  • Underground

It is where the vibration drops to 20hz, or less still.

For humans with low vibration, the virus becomes dangerous.

  • Pain 0.1 to 2hz.
  • Fear 0.2 to 2.2hz.
  • Irritation 0.9 to 6.8hz.
  • Noise 0.6 to 2.2hz.
  • Pride 0.8 hz.
  • Abandon 1,5hz.
  • Superiority 1.9 hz.


  • Generosity 95hz
  • True thanks 150 hz
  • Compassion 150 hz or more
  • Love of neighbor and all living beings 150 Hz and more
  • Unconditional and universal love from 205hz


Let's ... Vibrate Altooo !!!

What helps us vibrate high?

  • To love Smile
  • To bless
  • Play
  • Paint
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Enjoy Reiki Life
  • Meditate
  • Yoga
  • Taichi
  • Walk in the Sun Exercise
  • Enjoy nature

Eating food that the Earth gives us like:

  • Seeds
  • Grains
  • Cereals
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Drink water.

They help us vibrate high!!!

The vibration of the prayer goes from 120 to 350hz.

We must PRAY, sing, laugh, love, live...

Let's vibrate high!!!

The original source of this information is from the book Power Vs Force based on David R Hawkins' Doctoral Thesis.

Hugs of light for you.

Think and act positively from Love


Apologizing to Children


I am trying to be more authentic this year, and so I want to admit a big mistake I made. I got into a heated argument and raised my voice in front of Emma. I felt very passionate about the subject, but she was sitting in someone's lap and looked upset.

I immediately lowered my voice when I realized what I was doing.

That night I called a Master Spiritual Teacher because I felt terrible about my behavior. I already knew I would need to apologize to the adult I was quarreling with, but he helped me to realize I needed to apologize to Emma as well.

She might not understand my words because of her age, but it is important that she feel safe with me. I told her that I was sorry, and that I will not let that happen again.
I immediately felt better, and we shared a wonderful moment. I was able to release the guilt and make a vow not to make that mistake again.

The point I am trying to make is that you need to apologize to children. You not only set a great example, but you can also release any negative energy by admitting your faults.

Free Gardening Classes

Many are reconsidering how they want to live their lives due to the pandemic. 

We don’t know what is going to happen with the food supply, so I decided to go to North Carolina and volunteer on a sustainable farm to learn more about gardening.

The company I am volunteering for is called Gardens That Matter, and for a short period of time they are offering free classes on how to start your first garden and gardening with kids.

If you are interested in learning more about gardening, go to the Gardens That Matter Website https://www.gardensthatmatter.com/shop/ and use the code GROWJOY at checkout to obtain the free access. 

When we create our own garden, we are taking care of Mother Earth. Happy Gardening!


Emma's First Birthday


Today we are celebrating Emma’s first birthday!

I am so excited to share this day with you! Make sure and look at her tutu. It is adorable.

We are having such a good time. I am loving my life and feeling very blessed to have her in it.

I wanted to share this moment with you.

We live each day in moments of time. Make the most of each moment because you will never get them back.


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