I've finished my 2024 vision board. I'm getting on track for the year of what I would love to manifest.
And if you would love to manifest a free class from me (a Christmas gift that I talked about a couple weeks ago), it's easy...
We're going to talk about manifestation, abundance, and love for each of the three months.
And since we're starting with manifestation, we're going to get clear on our vision statement, goals for three years and one year – so you can do those resolutions that you decided to do this year!
There's a workbook for each day of gratitudes and action steps.
There is a recorded lesson each week and meditations as well.
We will meet on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Central for 30 minutes to hold ourselves accountable. We'll make sure we are doing what we need to do to stay on track.
So if you're interested, sign up now.
There's absolutely zero obligation. Promise!
I just want to give it away. I want you to be prosperous and manifest and see how this stuff works.
I hope to see you on January 24 when it starts.
But you have to sign up by next Wednesday because you've got to get your vision statement ready before the class starts.
I hope you have an amazing day!
This week, I'm excited to give you a Christmas gift.
I've been so blessed this year, and I really want to pay it forward.
So, starting January 24, I will be giving you three months of my Deep Dive program for free.
I want YOU to have just as an abundant year as I did.
And that's why I'm sharing this gift. It's three months of the most powerful and innovative process available today for quickly and permanently transforming your dreams into your reality!
The program includes weekly live coaching, audio lessons, meditations, and a workbook for journaling.
You'll learn and grow as we take a deep dive into three areas (one per month):
If you're interested, go ahead and click this link to register.
I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas and an amazing new year!
I want to tell you about an inspirational moment I had this morning — about lip syncing!
When I was growing up, there was a musical group called Milli Vanilli that got caught lip syncing music, instead of singing it themselves. While many saw this as a negative, I remember thinking...
"I don't have a good singing voice. Wouldn't it be cool to be a professional lip syncer?"
I love to dance, I love acting like I'm singing without making the sounds.
And guess what?
I realized that's exactly what I've become — I'm a sign language interpreter who loves to interpret music. I play the song and it's not my voice singing. But it's my hands moving and my body dancing and I am having the time of my life doing it!
So, like I always say, be careful what you ask for and what energy you put out into the universe.
For years, as a child, I always wanted to be a professional lip syncer, and NOW I AM.
Where are you going to put your energy today?
Let me know at [email protected].
I hope you have an amazing day!
I'm currently in Maryland and staying with a friend just north of DC to explore the area. I recently learned that sometimes you just have to change your plans. Watch the video to learn more.
I don't think it's natural for people to be with each other 24 hours a day which is what my 13 year old son and I have been doing for almost 4 months. So we've decided to make a HUGE change of plans.
He is flying home to Houston for a couple weeks which frees me up to hang out with friends and my spiritual peeps. I'm super excited!
The lesson for today is that yes, we make plans, but we also get to be fluid. Life is plastic. If you open up to other possibilities and aren't so stringent about where you have to be, you get to experience so much more.
I now get to join a friend who's officiating a wedding. I'm also going to a workshop to study dragons. I get to learn something new, and it's exciting.
So when things are getting too stringent and they seem too tough, take a deep breath and see how you can possibly change your plans.
I had the honor to go visit Walden Pond outside of Concord, Massachusetts. This is where Thoreau stayed for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days to write his book Walden. This book is his life of contemplation of connecting to nature and showing the importance of truly who we are. Watch the video to learn more.
Today, I feel blessed. I got to walk the pond and meditate with the chipmunks and squirrels. It was absolutely fantastic! I also got to see his 10 x 15 square foot home.
So what do you want to contemplate today?
How can you cherish and love nature? What can you do for the Earth to show that you love it?
P.S.- I'm so excited because Noland and I just drove 2.5 hours just to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory tour. That's 5 hours of driving just for this 30 minute tour. But this place is amazing! I'm so excited to be here!
Henry Ford also said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
Recently, I was in Dearborn, Michigan at the Henry Ford Museum. Here are some awesome inspirations that I got while I was there. Watch the video to learn more.
There are a few things I know I CAN do. I know I can drive this RV all over the country. I know I can also choose to change my mindset.
There are a lot of things we CAN do. Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves more credit.
What is something you can choose to do today?
This morning I realized I never told you my black tank poop story. It's a good one. Watch the video to learn more.
I had to dump my black tank for the very first time, which is where all the poop and pee is stored. I took it to a Flying J. because they have dump stations. What I didn't realize is there are four little pegs to match up on your hose, not three. I only did three, and I opened up the tank.
Everything came spilling out. It went all into my gloves and was completely disgusting!
So what's the point of the story? Sometimes we get poop on our hands. It's disgusting, but we learn from it. We promise ourselves to do it differently next time.
As my mama always said, "You repeat a lesson until it's learned." What is a lesson you have recently learned? Share it with me on Facebook.
I'm coming to you this week from Mission Wolf Sanctuary in Colorado. This week I woke up to my carbon monoxide detector going off. Watch the video to learn more.
I've been trying really hard not to use my generator because this sanctuary is a sustainable farm. They use solar energy, and I don't want to have noise pollution which will bother the wolves.
But I let it go so low last night that my carbon monoxide detector went off at 4:30 in the morning. The head of the sanctuary told me I was going to kill my battery, which means I won't be able to ever get out of here.
So, I had to plug in my generator today for the first time in 4 days. I'm trying my best, but I have to remember that I have to take care of myself, too.
Let this be a lesson to you that you can try your best to take care of everyone else, but if you don't take care of yourself too, you're going to totally kill your own battery and eventually will burn out.
Oh, what an adventure I have had so far. I have a funny story about the composting toilet to share with you. Watch the video to learn more.
Before I left Houston, I thoroughly cleaned out my black tank because I knew when I got to Lubbock, my brother was going to help me install the compost toilet.
My brother and his three younger kids came in to look at the RV. While I was outside showing my brother something about the composting toilet, one of them pooped in the potty.
I'm staying at a place without sewer hookups. So I have to drive somewhere, fill up my tank, dump it all out, start all over, and then install the composting toilet.
What's the moral of the story?
If you don't want to clean out the black tank more than once, then don't let little kids come into your RV until you're done with a composting toilet.
Here we go. Another adventure with Gaia.
It's time for a little update. I sent the email asking you to manifest with me, and I got the truck. It was easy. Then, I got the fifth wheel within 16 hours. Everything is falling into place. Watch the video to learn more.
I am at peace. I'm relaxed. I've gone back and forth and vacillated from worry and letting it go and worry and surrendering. And that's what I teach...to have faith.
I want to let you know that I've worked very hard on this daily for years. Truthfully, I've been so hard on myself because I don't do it perfectly. But we're not perfect. It's about progress, not perfection.
You can find peace and manifest anyone or anything that you want. But it takes practice. Having that complete faith can be hard. I want you to know that you can do these things and more.
I'm having an amazing day. I really feel at peace and in alignment. When I was walking out of an assignment today, a man was playing a beautiful song. If I would have been in my head and crazy, I wouldn't have heard it. But because I'm at peace and calm, I was able to enjoy the music on the sidewalk on the way to my car.
I love y'all very much. It is my passion to show you what's possible. I don't do it perfectly, but I do work diligently at improving and getting it done.
I have FAITH in you that YOU CAN DO the EXACT SAME THING.
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