Thoreau and Ben & Jerryโ€™s Ice Cream


I had the honor to go visit Walden Pond outside of Concord, Massachusetts. This is where Thoreau stayed for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days to write his book Walden. This book is his life of contemplation of connecting to nature and showing the importance of truly who we are. Watch the video to learn more.

Today, I feel blessed. I got to walk the pond and meditate with the chipmunks and squirrels. It was absolutely fantastic! I also got to see his 10 x 15 square foot home.

So what do you want to contemplate today?

How can you cherish and love nature? What can you do for the Earth to show that you love it?

P.S.- I'm so excited because Noland and I just drove 2.5 hours just to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory tour. That's 5 hours of driving just for this 30 minute tour. But this place is amazing! I'm so excited to be here!

Meditation to Resolve a Traumatic Event


Last week, I talked about a meditation exercise I learned from Jean Houston that will help you through a traumatic event. Watch the video to learn more.

My traumatic event was a relationship with a friend that had to end, and it didn't go well. I was upset with the way it ended and how I acted. Because I have held onto this for a long time I tried this meditation exercise.

To do this meditation exercise, you get into a meditative state by doing the 5-5-5- method. Breathing in for 5 seconds, hold, breathing out for 5 seconds, and repeating this 5 times. This helps you get to a place of calm.

Then, you go back to that moment that brings you discomfort and visualize it the way you would love for it to happen. Instead of a texting conversation where it didn't go well, you are sitting face to face on the couch and talking.

For example, you might be saying, "I am sorry, but I have not followed through on my boundaries. I need to do that now." You do this in a peaceful calm way, which is the way you would have loved for it to happen.  

This exercise rewires the neurotransmitters in your brain so that you can process the event differently. It's setting the stage for a new experience. It can't be changed from what happened, but you can change your mental perception around it now.

If I'm not being clear, please reach out. I will call you or email back for more clarification because I would love for you to have the experience of being able to let go of any situation in your life that doesn't serve you. I also would like to suggest that you start with a small conflict, not something huge and traumatic. 

So try this exercise, work through your unfortunate event, and let me know if you need any help.

Abundance Comes from GIVING Not Getting


I am so super excited to be in Paducah, Kentucky. I get to give a workshop to a group of amazing women at The Art Farm Women's Retreat. I will add a link below for you to learn more about her. Watch the video to learn more.

I've been reading The Abundance Book by John Price. The book says that if you're wanting abundance, don't do things to "get". Instead, do things to give.

What can you spiritually do for others? How can you improve their lives?

I feel super blessed that I get to present my workshop because this is what I love to do. I'm giving up my time and expecting nothing in return but the love and the light on their faces when they have spiritual realizations. 

What can you do today that will improve someone else's life?

***Are you needing a little help seeing something good in every day? Here is a link to my Daily Inspirations to keep you energized and in a positive mindset all day.***

How Many Things Do I Focus On?


How much is too much? I do say that anything is possible, and we can manifest everything that we would love to come into our lives. But it does take work. Watch the video to learn more.

You're given intuitive pulls, and then you decide where you're going to take them.

  • Do you want to choose 2 things to focus on right now and give them 50% of your energy each?
  • Do you want to do 5 different things and only give them 20% of your energy?

This is what I've learned on this trip. I'm wanting to pack it all in. There are so many things to do in the United States that it's not going to happen. So I really had to pare it down and decide what was most important.

What are my priorities? What do I want to spend the most percentage of my time doing?

So when you're going through your day and you're feeling scattered because too much is going on, think about how are you prioritizing things in your life. Think about how much time you are giving to what you would love in your life and decide accordingly.

The Composting Toilet Adventure


Oh, what an adventure I have had so far. I have a funny story about the composting toilet to share with you. Watch the video to learn more.

Before I left Houston, I thoroughly cleaned out my black tank because I knew when I got to Lubbock, my brother was going to help me install the compost toilet.

My brother and his three younger kids came in to look at the RV. While I was outside showing my brother something about the composting toilet, one of them pooped in the potty.

I'm staying at a place without sewer hookups. So I have to drive somewhere, fill up my tank, dump it all out, start all over, and then install the composting toilet.

What's the moral of the story?

If you don't want to clean out the black tank more than once, then don't let little kids come into your RV until you're done with a composting toilet.

Here we go. Another adventure with Gaia.

Everything is Falling Into Place


It's time for a little update. I sent the email asking you to manifest with me, and I got the truck. It was easy. Then, I got the fifth wheel within 16 hours. Everything is falling into place. Watch the video to learn more.

I am at peace. I'm relaxed. I've gone back and forth and vacillated from worry and letting it go and worry and surrendering. And that's what I have faith.

I want to let you know that I've worked very hard on this daily for years. Truthfully, I've been so hard on myself because I don't do it perfectly. But we're not perfect. It's about progress, not perfection.

You can find peace and manifest anyone or anything that you want. But it takes practice. Having that complete faith can be hard. I want you to know that you can do these things and more.

I'm having an amazing day. I really feel at peace and in alignment. When I was walking out of an assignment today, a man was playing a  beautiful song. If I would have been in my head and crazy, I wouldn't have heard it. But because I'm at peace and calm, I was able to enjoy the music on the sidewalk on the way to my car.

I love y'all very much. It is my passion to show you what's possible. I don't do it perfectly, but I do work diligently at improving and getting it done.

I have FAITH in you that YOU CAN DO the EXACT SAME THING.

We Did It!


WE DID IT! We manifested my 2020, Velocity Blue, Ford F250, fifth wheel towing, three-quarter-ton truck. Watch the video to learn more.

All it took was a text from a dealer that I had talked to weeks ago. He reached out to tell me he found a truck, and that he could deliver it to me. What makes this even better is that it's a really good price. 

I'm sending this out to say "thank you" and to reinforce that anything is possible. Especially when we do this together.

I admit that I went into a little bit of worry. That's why I reached out to you last week to ask for your help.

You're the collective conscious that gave me support and energy and look what we did! We did it together.

That's the way co-creating with the Universe works. It's why I teach and live it.

Thank you again for your help and support.

The next time you start to go into worry about something you are trying to manifest, I encourage you to reach out to your collective conscious, including me. 

You Can Never Ask Too Much


Let's talk a little bit more about asking the Universe for what you would love. Watch this video to learn more.

Last week, I talked about asking the Universe for help with the RV and how I received an anonymous book. It was called RV for Dummies and definitely helped me out. Since then, I've had two different people reach out to teach me more about RVs.

I realized that I don't need to onlask about that. I've also wanted somebody to help me install my compost toilet. I think it'd be very empowering for me to do that. But I keep hitting a brick wall.

So today, I specifically asked for the Universe to send me someone who could help me install my compost toilet. Then, I had this brilliant idea. My stepdad is a plumber. I'm going to see him and he can help me do it. This is a wonderful project that we can do together.

So what's my point? The point of this is to teach you that the Universe is not like a person. You cannot ask too much of the Universe. You can ask for as much as you want, have faith that it's going to come, and then keep the awareness of what you need to do next. The Universe is limitless. So your questions and wants can be limitless as well. 

What If It Was Easy?


I have some very exciting news. But first, I need to give a little history. Watch the video to learn more.

Several months ago when I was planning my speaking tour/RV trip, I asked the Universe to please make this easy and let the speaking gigs appear. Sure enough, Laura, from The Art Farm Women's Retreat Center in Paducah, Kentucky reached out to me.

I hadn't talked to this woman in years, but she was on my email list and saw that I was going to be traveling in her area. We agreed to have a retreat at her center. 

On the weekend of my birthday, August 26th-28th, we're going to host a three-day retreat called Living a Vision Driven Life. I'm so excited.

I hope to see you there. You can find more information about the retreat and register by clicking here.

Thank you, Universe. This can be easy. Ask and you shall receive.

I love what I do, and I hope I'm teaching you the same thing, too.

Garage Sale Inspirations


Recently, I went to the Cinco Ranch High School's Annual Spring Garage Sale. Watch this video to learn more.

There were tons of people already lined up 15 minutes before the garage sale began. They even had a police tape out to make sure nobody crossed that line before 7:30.

I went to this garage sale to manifest a few things for my RV. It was crazy, but I survived! I ended up not getting very much because it became a social hour, and I talked to a lot of amazing people including a guy that makes mallets out of recyclable materials. I'm going to do a blog about him next week.

I found some books for my son, some cute little bowls for the RV, and had a great time. I hope you enjoyed watching the inspirational signs and may they bring you joy today. 

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