Garage Sale Inspirations


Recently, I went to the Cinco Ranch High School's Annual Spring Garage Sale. Watch this video to learn more.

There were tons of people already lined up 15 minutes before the garage sale began. They even had a police tape out to make sure nobody crossed that line before 7:30.

I went to this garage sale to manifest a few things for my RV. It was crazy, but I survived! I ended up not getting very much because it became a social hour, and I talked to a lot of amazing people including a guy that makes mallets out of recyclable materials. I'm going to do a blog about him next week.

I found some books for my son, some cute little bowls for the RV, and had a great time. I hope you enjoyed watching the inspirational signs and may they bring you joy today. 

Bringing More Love Into Your Life


Are you preventing yourself from being in a loving, positive relationships?

Watch the video attached to learn how to remove barriers that may be hindering you from living a life you love.

“Loving ourselves is receiving the love that is already around us. 

To love ourselves is to remove all barriers. 

We can learn to love ourselves by letting others love us AND by loving them.” 

- David Kessling

Have you placed any barriers around you that are holding you back?

Are you afraid to try something new because of a past experience?

Keep in mind that was your past. It is NOT your future.

Love yourself and let others love you instead of keeping those barriers up, so you can bring more and more love into your life.

If there is a destructive pattern in your relationships, recognize it and change the pattern, but don’t let those past relationships block you of a future with someone that loves and respects you.



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