Last week, I talked about a meditation exercise I learned from Jean Houston that will help you through a traumatic event. Watch the video to learn more.
My traumatic event was a relationship with a friend that had to end, and it didn't go well. I was upset with the way it ended and how I acted. Because I have held onto this for a long time I tried this meditation exercise.
To do this meditation exercise, you get into a meditative state by doing the 5-5-5- method. Breathing in for 5 seconds, hold, breathing out for 5 seconds, and repeating this 5 times. This helps you get to a place of calm.
Then, you go back to that moment that brings you discomfort and visualize it the way you would love for it to happen. Instead of a texting conversation where it didn't go well, you are sitting face to face on the couch and talking.
For example, you might be saying, "I am sorry, but I have not followed through on my boundaries. I need to do that now." You do this in a peaceful calm way, which is the way you would have loved for it to happen.
This exercise rewires the neurotransmitters in your brain so that you can process the event differently. It's setting the stage for a new experience. It can't be changed from what happened, but you can change your mental perception around it now.
If I'm not being clear, please reach out. I will call you or email back for more clarification because I would love for you to have the experience of being able to let go of any situation in your life that doesn't serve you. I also would like to suggest that you start with a small conflict, not something huge and traumatic.
So try this exercise, work through your unfortunate event, and let me know if you need any help.
I have the coolest thing To share with you. I have a friend that has not liked his job for a very long time. He has complained about it often. I always tell him whatever you focus your attention on, the Universe will provide. Watch the video to learn more.
Thank God..he was laid off, but now he's freaking out about money.
I had him do an exercise that would help him figure out what he would love to do. I recommend you try it as well.
Simply write "What would you love?" on the top of a piece of paper, set a timer for 5 minutes, and start writing. You can write about your health, places you want to go, what work you would love to do, relationships, or anything that you desire.
Write continuously. Because when the ideas come from the Infinite, it's kind of like pumping water from a well. When it first comes out, It's brackish. After a while, it gets clearer and clearer the more you pump.
As a result of this exercise, my friend mentioned an idea that he has never mentioned to me before. He talked about it with excitement and happiness.
After he told me about it, I gave him his next steps which were to meditate/focus on his idea, and then ask the Universe, "What is my next step?"
He found his passion. And is asking the Universe what to do next.
I hope you discover what you would love today.
Today during meditation, I realized it was very important that I get this message out to you. If you've been following this blog, you know that I'm about to sell my house, get an RV, and travel the country for a year with my son to do what I love, which is talking about new thought principles and also about communication. Watch the video to learn more.
What came to me this morning is that I was frantic yesterday because I signed the contract with my realtor. On that contract, it clearly says that the house will go on the market in 48 days. That means I have to get this whole house cleared out and boxed up so I can sell it.
I freaked out. My mind was reeling with all the things that I need to do. Then this morning during meditation, I realized that I should not say the word "need".
"Need" is not an empowering word. Instead, I should say that "it's important". It is important that I get this done to sell this house. It's important that it looks nice when people walk in.
When we move things out, it brings space to bring more wonderful in. This will be the subject of my blog next week.
So today when you find yourself saying "need", replace it with "it's important that" and give yourself more power.
Over the last month, we have meditated with all five senses. Today, I have provided for you a guided meditation that will simply use your mind. Listen to the audio to see where this meditation takes you.
This month we have been studying different meditations that cover all 5 senses. This week we will be doing a walking meditation to concentrate on our tactile senses.
Watch the video to learn more.
I suggest you take off your shoes and find a soft patch of grass to walk on. You will be connecting to the Earth.
Ever so slowly, start taking small steps from the heel to the toe. You could do this with your eyes open or closed. The most important thing is to really feel each blade of grass on your feet, connect to the Earth, and get grounded.
You don’t have to travel far. It’s more about being slow and methodical. If you would prefer, you could count to 100 while taking these small steps. I highly recommend you end your walk at a tree and give it a hug, There is a lot of energy there.
Enjoy your walking meditation this week.
Today we're going to meditate on focusing our attention on a picture. This could be a photograph, or something that's painted. For the purpose of this video, we're going to focus on this Van Gogh painting. Watch the video below to learn more.
You need to really look at the painting. It might sound strange, but you are going to ask the painting, “What are you trying to tell me?”
First, you want to start with the big picture. Notice the clouds and how they go all the way across a portrait. Notice the extra green patch that is in the middle, the hills, and the flowers that are in front (if that's what you interpret the red dots to be).
Now, I want you to walk closer, so you can see the detail of the colors. Notice the yellows, the greens, the purples, the blues, and the different shades that are present.
Before I did not see what I interpreted to the right side as possibly a bush. Maybe you didn't interpret the lines in the middle as a farmer's field. You could now interpret the base of the painting as the wind blowing through the grass.
Now, get even closer. Pick a square inch and look at the delicate brushstrokes that the artist has given you. Really look at the art, meditate on it, find what the artist was trying to tell you, and speak to it.
Give yourself 10 minutes to focus. See how many colors and designs you can see. You will feel more peaceful when you're done.
For the month of October, I am going to focus on meditation. I want to dedicate this to my dermatologist who is having a hard time slowing down. Watch the this video to learn about alternate nostril breathing to slow your racing mind or anxious body.
This technique is relatively simple. You will use your thumb and ring finger or pinkie.(your hand will look like the Y shape) to close off different sides of your nose. Start by placing your ring finger or pinkie on your left nostril and breath in on the right side of your nose for the count of four.
Next, close the right side of your nose with your thumb and breath out through the left side for the count of four. Hold for two seconds and breath in on the same (left) side. Close the left side with your finger, open the right side to breath out. Hold for two seconds and breath in for the count of four.
Move again to the left side to breath out and then in pausing between each breath.
If you would like to add to the practice, place your pointer and middle finger between your eyebrows. This represents the third eye which is our connection to the Universe and our sixth sense. Do the same exercise as above with your thumb and ring finger. If you so choose, you can close both nostrils and hold between each out and in breath.
Continue this exercise for 3-5 minutes. I guarantee you will feel more relaxed than when you started.
Transformation happens within us.
This meditation is a beautiful reminder of our limitless possibilities.
Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit to listen to one of my favorite guided meditations by Michael Gott.
Our life is continually changing like the seasons throughout the year, but the center of who we are remains the same.
This is our connection to the Universe who is all loving and delivers us unlimited possibilities to become and manifest anything we give our time, attention and faith.
When feeling disconnected from your Higher Power, I would encourage you to take some time to surround yourself with nature.
If you are not able to see the wholeness and beauty in yourself, nature is a reminder of the purity and that all of life is in Divine order.
Alternate nostril breathing is a popular yogic meditation practice. In sanskrit it is called nadi shodhana pranayama which translates to "subtle energy clearing breathing technique."
This simple exercise can decrease your anxiety, calm your body and take you to a more peaceful state of mind. Watch the video below to learn how to relax your mind and body.
When you are feeling stressed, give yourself the opportunity to do this simple breathing exercise to get you back to a peaceful state of mind.
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