You Don't Know Until You Try

experience life new life Jan 23, 2025

You don’t know what you can do until you try.

Right now, I’m working with my son’s robotics group. We’re trying to secure sponsorships because robots are EXPEN$$$IVE!

Some of the teens don’t want to try because they don’t think they’ll be able to get the sponsorships.

But you know what? You don’t know until you go out there and ask.

This doesn’t just apply to robotics clubs—it applies to so many things in life.

Maybe it’s that new job you want, writing a book, stepping onto a stage, asking someone out, or even running a marathon.

Start small. Just run half a block. Because you won’t know if you can do it until you try.

And if you give it your best shot and it doesn’t work out? At least you can say you tried.

So, let me ask you—what are you avoiding today that you haven’t even given it a shot? 

Thoreau and Ben & Jerryā€™s Ice Cream


I had the honor to go visit Walden Pond outside of Concord, Massachusetts. This is where Thoreau stayed for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days to write his book Walden. This book is his life of contemplation of connecting to nature and showing the importance of truly who we are. Watch the video to learn more.

Today, I feel blessed. I got to walk the pond and meditate with the chipmunks and squirrels. It was absolutely fantastic! I also got to see his 10 x 15 square foot home.

So what do you want to contemplate today?

How can you cherish and love nature? What can you do for the Earth to show that you love it?

P.S.- I'm so excited because Noland and I just drove 2.5 hours just to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory tour. That's 5 hours of driving just for this 30 minute tour. But this place is amazing! I'm so excited to be here!


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