You don’t know what you can do until you try.
Right now, I’m working with my son’s robotics group. We’re trying to secure sponsorships because robots are EXPEN$$$IVE!
Some of the teens don’t want to try because they don’t think they’ll be able to get the sponsorships.
But you know what? You don’t know until you go out there and ask.
This doesn’t just apply to robotics clubs—it applies to so many things in life.
Maybe it’s that new job you want, writing a book, stepping onto a stage, asking someone out, or even running a marathon.
Start small. Just run half a block. Because you won’t know if you can do it until you try.
And if you give it your best shot and it doesn’t work out? At least you can say you tried.
So, let me ask you—what are you avoiding today that you haven’t even given it a shot?
Today, I wanted to share an amazing podcast with you that I was recently a part of.
I joined Aren Deu on the Find Your Voice Podcast to discuss how you can bring your thoughts to life.
It was an amazing conversation navigating around spirituality, intuitive pulls from the universe, values and living out our passions, and truly finding our purpose. I want to share it with you.
Once you listen to it, feel free to reply to this email and let me know your biggest takeaways from the interview.
You can listen to this amazing podcast by clicking here.
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