Yes, your mind is powerful.
I was reminded yesterday about an exercise of writing down two things:
One of the things I wrote was I want to laugh more with my son because it allows us to connect.
It's fun. It's joyous to be around a teenager who is laughing. His laughter is contagious and reminds me not to take life too seriously.
I wrote that yesterday morning, and here's what happened at dinner.
He decided to teach me about adolescent terminology. We laughed and laughed as he tried to explain slang terms like "fanum taxing."
If you don't know what fanum taxing is, well, it has something to do with stealing a friend's food.
Very interesting.
The mind is so powerful in what it is manifesting.
Is it creating a life of "I'm sick, always sick" and then staying sick?
Or knowing "I'm healthy, I can be healthy, I can overcome anything."
Every day, keep in mind, in what way are you allowing your mind to be powerful?
Are you allowing your thoughts to hinder and limit you? Or are they expanding your life?
I hope you have an amazing day.
I read the coolest thing on my "Just for Today" calendar.
It said, "I remember today is like a blank canvas. Every action, thought, and feeling adds to the canvas. What will I paint today?"
There's something powerful to think about.
Are we painting happy thoughts or negative thoughts?
Are we painting complaining words or affirming words?
What vision are we placing in our mind of where we'd love to be?
Or are we staying stuck in the past where we're unhappy?
Your life is a painting. It's a canvas.
You get to be the creator of your own experience.
Each day is a fresh start, and we have the power to choose what we place on our life’s canvas.
Whatever you focus on will come to fruition.
Not sure what you’ve been focusing on? Just take a moment to look around.
Your life is a reflection of your inner thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
It can be a hard fact, but it's true.
So today, ask yourself: What kind of masterpiece will you create?
This is your life, your blank canvas, and your opportunity to paint a vision of joy, abundance, and fulfillment.
The theme for today is "What there is for me to learn today?"
Curiosity is a wonderful thing. Perhaps you've asked yourself...
"Why am I feeling this way?"
"Why is this happening?"
And ultimately, "What is there for me to learn from this experience?"
These questions can lead us down the path of self-discovery.
It might be something really small – I need to give more eye contact.
Or big – I need to move to a different place because this is not what's serving me.
Meditate on this question today: "What can I learn today?"
Talk to Spirit and see what's out there for you to grow and create.
I hope you have an amazing day!
Today, I want to talk about the tip of the iceberg – what's hidden under the surface of our lives.
There are two perspectives we can consider when talking about the iceberg...
First, when we look at other people, it's easy to feel jealous of what we superficially see on the outside. It might be their success, their relationships, or even their material possessions. But you never know what's going on inside. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. We all have struggles that no one else can see, so please keep that in mind.
Second, our physical self is just the tip of an iceberg that we can see above the water. There is a vast greatness and beauty in the invisible. It is the source, spirit, God (whichever name you use) who works in amazing ways!
Remember, our physical is limited. We can tap into that resource of spirit and love and all of that invisible power that we can't see.
I want to encourage you to dive beneath the surface of the visible world. Tap into that invisible spirit. Let it know what you would love to achieve, and start chasing that dream.
Sometimes life just sucks. It's inevitable. We have our ups and our downs. Today I want to teach you how to get over the hump of those down times so it won't affect you as much. Watch this video to learn more.
The first thing you need to do is realize that there is a lesson in this tough situation. Often it can take some time to realize what it is. If you can go into gratitude for the fact that you are about to learn something wonderful, then the situation will improve.
Also remember that everything is temporary. The saying, "This too shall pass." is important to remember.
So today, when you have something unexpected happen that is not so great, go into gratitude that a lesson is coming. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. This will help you get over that hump when things aren't going as you would like.
When I visited Scottsdale, Arizona, I was blessed to meet, Phillip Payne, an artist and owner of the Anticus gallery. Here is what he said about passion, challenges and art. Enjoy!
Phillip started sculpting when he was 14 and opened his first gallery when he was 19. He is a big believer in art because it makes us stronger and more impactful as human beings.
He says, “To create art is to bare your soul in the hopes you will find a kindred spirit in the hearts of someone else.”
You can create anything whether it is a business or art or a connection. We do this by being vulnerable, honest and looking for what your gifts are so you can give them to the public.
Use your gifts not to become rich and famous, but how it can serve a need in the community.
He has manifested many of his dreams on his bucket list because as he states, “I say it out loud, live it proud and really give it everything I have every day.”
He has experienced challenges in his live. His brother died when he was nine and his father has passed away. He has been through, “Hell and high water.” But these challenges have made him stronger.
He loves the quote, “We break until the light comes out.” It is important to connect with community, so when you are at your weakest, you can connect to your spirituality. When you find yourself breaking, he suggests to go into meditation and spiritual reading to build yourself back up.
We can go into unity with others and ask for help. He says, “With help, you can build anything.”
He emphasis, “If you are going through a challenge, it is there for a reason. It will make you a better person and give you a better gift to share with the public.”
Thank you Phillip for sharing your words of wisdom.
Ask and ye shall receive is such a popular phrase. That is what we are going to do this week. Our next manifesting experiment is going to be asking for a specific concrete answer.
Watch the video to learn how to ask concrete questions so the Universe can bring us what we desire.
We have to be very careful for what we ask for.
I had a client that said she REALLY wanted to start her own business. Within four hours, she got laid off.
This was a great opportunity to start living her dream immediately.
This is also why we need to be exact when asking the Universe for what we would love.
For the next 48 hour experiment, you will think of a concrete, exact answer you would love to have an answer to.
When I did this experiment, I was struggling financially and was worried about how to pay off my debt. I needed to know if I should consolidate my credit cards or get a loan from the bank.
I asked the Universe which option I should choose.
When driving home from church, I passed a shopping center that I had driven by hundreds of times and saw a marquee that said LOAN.
Although I had been this route many times, I had never seen it before.
My answer was there, clear as day, but for the first time, I saw it.
The best part is before I could go into the bank, I discovered $38,000 I had access to that I never realized was there.
We think we know the answer, but the Universe can steer us in an even better direction.
For the next 48 hours, ask the Universe a concrete answer of two options or to give you a yes or no answer.
I can’t wait to hear what answer the Universe provides for you!
Today we are going to prove that our energetic vibration will get us what we would love to have in our life.
The next experiment is called the Volkswagen Jetta Principle which shows us that the answers are always there, but often we don’t see them.
We overlook countless amounts of information every day.
When you go into a store there are thousands of items, but we focus on what we need to get and overlook everything else in the store.
When my daughter had a canker sore, I went to the toothbrush isle that I had visited many times to look for something to relieve her pain. On the top shelf was a mouthwash that worked wonders in healing the canker sore.
It was ALWAYS THERE. I just had not NOTICED it because I had never looked for it before.
For our next experiment of 48 hours, we will set our intent on noticing what is in our environment.
On day one, pick a specific color car that is unusual. Keep your eye out for how many you see.
I picked the color light blue that I didn’t remember ever seeing. I saw eight cars that color in 24 hours!
On day two, pick something else like butterflies, but do not limit yourself to live butterflies. Notice them in other places.
For example, I chose to focus on blue feathers. In 24 hours I saw them:
I had overlooked these feathers for years and they had always been there.
Have fun with your observation experiment!
The next few weeks are going to be SO MUCH FUN. We will be doing experiments to help us realize our energetic force and the power we truly have within us to create.
Watch this video to learn about your Field of Potentiality when it comes to manifesting what you would love to come into your life.
Pam Grout states, “The Field of Potential (God, Universe, our Higher Power) is not a person, therefore you cannot bug him. The Field of Potential is a power, an unseen energetic force. It isn’t finite or limited. You can certainly ask as much of it as you would like.
We need to think of God more like we think of electricity. Electricity doesn’t care who plugs in a curling iron and doesn’t need proof we are good enough to make it work.”
This week’s experiment will take 48 hours because we want to give the Universe a specific time to give us what we would love to know or manifest.
The experiment will be to ask for a UNIQUE UNEXPECTED BLESSING.
When I did this experiment, I was able to get through a post office line in 5 minutes instead of the normal 45 minute wait, I had an interpreting assignment that cancelled and got to get paid to read a book for four hours and I found a great TV show to watch with my pre-teen son (this is something huge due to his age!).
Stay focused knowing the blessings are coming and be ready to recognize them when they come.
Have fun with your experiment with the Field of Potentiality.
John Kabat-Zinn wrote Wherever You Go There You Are. He made an amazing point about staying in the moment no matter what situation you are involved. Watch this video for some insight on being happy no matter what your circumstances.
We tend to think if we were in a different job or a different relationship or on a vacation, life will be better.
This falls under “The grass is always greener on the other side.”
The problem is no matter what vacation you go on or what job you are working, you are still there.
You still have the same attitude and the same goals.
So instead of wanting to be somewhere else thinking that will make you happy, be peaceful in the moment.
Do not give up on your goals and dreams, but find happiness in your current situation.
I heard a story from Wayne Dyer in which he talked about meeting 2 people on his walk along the beach in Hawaii.
A man was considering moving there and asked what the people were like. Wayne asked him, “Well what are the people like where you are from?” The man’s response was, “They are stingy, grumpy and often in a bad mood. That’s why I am thinking about getting away and move to Hawaii.” Wayne replied, “It is pretty much the same way here.”
Later a woman approached him and asked the same question, “I am thinking about moving here. What are the people like?” Wayne’s response was the same, “Well what are the people like where you are from?” Her response was, “The people are amazing and friendly. I love being around them. That’s why I am vacillating on where to live.” Wayne said, “That is exactly how the people are here.”
This was his response because WHERE EVER YOU GO…THERE YOU ARE.
What you create in your life currently will follow you no matter what your geographical location.
Is there something you think will be better if you change your relationship, location or job?
Think about finding peace in the moment right now whether it is enjoying a sunset or reading an amazing book.
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