It's only a few days until Christmas. This time of year can be crazy. You’re trying to get everything done including grocery shopping and picking up last minute gifts. It's a little bit stressful.
So I want to give you my 5-5-5 breathing technique that's guaranteed to take you down to a slower place and help you to more peace. Watch this video to learn more.
It's very simple. You breathe in for 5 counts. You breathe out for 5 counts. And you do this 5 times. If you want to add a little bit of challenge and take it over the top, you can hold your breath for 5 counts in between each inhalation and exhalation.
So sit in a comfortable place, uncross your arms and legs, close those eyes and start to breathe. Take in all the goodness the Universe has to offer you as you breathe in. Release everything that's worrying you as you breathe out.
After you do this exercise, you will feel peaceful and in a much better place. Your head will be cleared, and you can go about your day. I hope you have an amazing Christmas and an even better New Year.
I am so thankful for you because you take the time to open these emails.
I love that you are willing to learn and grow in spirituality and to gain a greater peace of mind.
So from my family to yours…HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Today we are celebrating Emma’s first birthday!
I am so excited to share this day with you! Make sure and look at her tutu. It is adorable.
We are having such a good time. I am loving my life and feeling very blessed to have her in it.
I wanted to share this moment with you.
We live each day in moments of time. Make the most of each moment because you will never get them back.
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