The Hardest Part of Manifesting


I think is the hardest step of manifesting is to surrender.

Writing a vision problem.

Meditating on it...I can do that.

The next step is surrender, to give it up to the universe – having faith and trust that it's coming to you.

Here's the thing. All you need to know is the what. . . and not the how.

When you're given that intuitive pull, you follow through.

But we still try to control the how. 

My question (and challenge) for you today is this:

What can you surrender to the universe and trust and allow it to come into your life?


How to Prioritize Your Goals


Let's talk about prioritizing our goals.

I was talking to a friend who is scattered. He wants to do a podcast. He wants to create more classes. He wants to bring in more clients.

He wants to, wants to, wants to....

Well, you know the saying about having too many irons in the fire.

He is trying to do soooo many things that he's completely overwhelmed.

He's frozen. And he's not doing ANY of them!

Have you ever felt this way?

I advised my friend to identify the most important goals out of all the things he wants to do.

He's going to start by writing everything down, circle the top three, break them down into steps, and create a timeline of when to get them done. He'll take some of the other irons out of the fire for now.

If you're feeling overwhelmed like my friend, I will say the same thing to you.

  1. First, take a deep breath, and if you've been frozen by overwhelm, let yourself thaw out.
  2. Write down all the things you want or need to do.
  3. Circle the top three priorities. You're going to focus exclusively on them.
  4. Break these priorities down into small, actionable steps. (By the way, you don't need to know all the steps. Figure out the first few and trust that the path will become clear as you take action.)
  5. Create a timeline for getting them done. 

As Frank Sonnenberg says,  “If everything’s a priority, then nothing’s a priority.”

So, what are your top three? 

Share them with me or a friend to broadcast your intentions loud and clear!

I hope you have an amazing day.

I need your inspiration

inspiration Jan 31, 2024

Today's post is a little bit of a role reversal.

Instead of me trying to inspire you, I need a little bit of your inspiration.

I've created a video about my talk about Belonging. 

You can see it here:

This talk incorporates my new thought teaching and sign language. I'm passionate about both. And I need some inspiration from you:

Who could I send it to?

I've thought about churches and I've thought about new thought conferences, but I need your ideas of other places that I can give the message of what I teach and interpret through music and ASL.

So, if you have any suggestions, send me a note at [email protected].

I want to get out there and teach these principles to as many people as possible.

Thank you in advance.

I hope you have an amazing day!


Choose to be Happy


Today I'm talking about making the choice to be happy — making the choice to get in a better mood and be in a higher vibrational state.

This is because I saw a meme last week that was hilarious.

It said: "Are you having a bad day?...

...or have you had a bad five minutes but you've been milking it all day?"

That's what we do.

We ruminate about stuff that we have no control over when we can just let it go instead.

Yesterday, I had a student who walked in and said, "I'm pissed off! The bus went around a different way, and I was late."

She stayed upset for a long time.

I finally said, "You're choosing to stay upset because of what the bus driver did an hour ago instead of letting it go."

She smiled because she didn't even realize she was doing it.

If something comes up, take the next right step, whatever  you can do. And then let it go, because you have no control of persons, places, or things.

I would love for you today to choose to be happy.

Be cognizant of what you are putting in your brain and the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you milking it because it's only been five minutes, or is it really a bad day?

I hope you have an amazing day.


Noticing the Abundance in Your Life

abundance abundant life Jan 19, 2024

People often ask me, how do you grow your abundance?

Well, the number one things I say - besides having gratitude - is to make a daily list of abundance.

What abundance was brought into your life today?

I'm working with a neighbor who I absolutely love, but he is stuck in the mindset that he is controlled by his finances because he's on Social Security.

I told him to start recognizing the abundance that comes into his life.

He constantly talks about how much he saves at Costco.

Or he went to a farmer's market and got a crate of spinach for only $5. I said, that is HUGE because a little bitty bag of spinach at the store costs $5. So, you probably got $50 worth of spinach in that one crate!

We are given gifts every day of abundance.

It doesn't just have to be those dollars that come into your bank account.

And one abundance I would love to give you is the free class that I'm offering.

Here's the link - but you have to sign up by tomorrow (Jan 20). Registration closes at 9pm Eastern.

We're starting next Wednesday (January 24). And you've got to have your Vision Statement completed before the first class.

I hope to see you there!

Sign Up Here.

If not, write down that daily abundance list so you can bring more and more into your life.

I hope you have an amazing day!


What You Would Love to Manifest This Year?


I've finished my 2024 vision board. I'm getting on track for the year of what I would love to manifest.

And if you would love to manifest a free class from me (a Christmas gift that I talked about a couple weeks ago), it's easy...

Just sign up here!

We're going to talk about manifestation, abundance, and love for each of the three months.

And since we're starting with manifestation, we're going to get clear on our vision statement, goals for three years and one year – so you can do those resolutions that you decided to do this year!

There's a workbook for each day of gratitudes and action steps.

There is a recorded lesson each week and meditations as well.

We will meet on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Central for 30 minutes to hold ourselves accountable. We'll make sure we are doing what we need to do to stay on track.

So if you're interested, sign up now.

There's absolutely zero obligation. Promise!

I just want to give it away. I want you to be prosperous and manifest and see how this stuff works.

I hope to see you on January 24 when it starts.

But you have to sign up by next Wednesday because you've got to get your vision statement ready before the class starts.

I hope you have an amazing day!

Kisses From Wolves


My son Noland and I are out at Mission: Wolf in West Cliff, Colorado.

We are 9500 feet up in the Colorado mountains. It's a sustainable, non-profit educational wolf sanctuary. They have 24 wolves right now.

Noland and I found this place on our RV adventure last year, and we have been back four times since because...

This is where I'm blessed.

This is where I'm loved.

This is where people are grateful.

This is how I create a life I love.

And this is what I want for you.

So enjoy a few pictures of our trip here at the end of the video.

You'll see a couple of the wolves licking our teeth when we're smiling, because that's how they say hello – and it's totally safe.

And get this. . . they have great breath!

Who would've thought?

I hope you have an amazing day!


P.S. Want to join my Deep Dive Program for free? We start January 24. Learn more and sign up here.

A Gift for You


This week, I'm excited to give you a Christmas gift.

I've been so blessed this year, and I really want to pay it forward.

So, starting January 24, I will be giving you three months of my Deep Dive program for free.

I want YOU to have just as an abundant year as I did.

And that's why I'm sharing this gift. It's three months of the most powerful and innovative process available today for quickly and permanently transforming your dreams into your reality!

The program includes weekly live coaching, audio lessons, meditations, and a workbook for journaling.

You'll learn and grow as we take a deep dive into three areas (one per month):

  1. Manifestation
  2. Love
  3. Transformation

If you're interested, go ahead and click this link to register.

I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas and an amazing new year! 



Always Do Your Best


This is the fourth (and final) week in our study of Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements.

This one's pretty simple - Always Do Your Best.

Just keep doing the best you can.

Will we make mistakes? Yes.

Will we make assumptions? Yes.

Take things personally? Yes.

And maybe not be impeccable with our words?

Absolutely – because we're human.

But just try everyday to do your best.

Take a step forward, and when you don't love yourself. . . start over.

I love you, and I want you to love yourself.

Let's all do the best we can.

 I hope you have an amazing day!


Do Not Make Assumptions


Here we go with week three of Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements.

His third agreement is: Do Not Make Assumptions.

You may have heard the old saying...

When you assume, you make an "ass out of u and me."

As I've learned, we don't know what's going on in other people's lives.

We may think we do, but we really don't.

And they don't know what's going on with ours either.

So instead of assuming we know what's going on, let's ask questions. Let's get clarification.

You might be surprised.

Especially if they have a look on their face that tells us they're upset.

It probably has nothing to do with you. They just got something else going on.

So, this week let's practice Ruiz's third agreement and not make assumptions.

And if you're curious to read Don Miguel Ruiz's book, the full title is The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

I hope you have an amazing day!



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