Kisses From Wolves


My son Noland and I are out at Mission: Wolf in West Cliff, Colorado.

We are 9500 feet up in the Colorado mountains. It's a sustainable, non-profit educational wolf sanctuary. They have 24 wolves right now.

Noland and I found this place on our RV adventure last year, and we have been back four times since because...

This is where I'm blessed.

This is where I'm loved.

This is where people are grateful.

This is how I create a life I love.

And this is what I want for you.

So enjoy a few pictures of our trip here at the end of the video.

You'll see a couple of the wolves licking our teeth when we're smiling, because that's how they say hello – and it's totally safe.

And get this. . . they have great breath!

Who would've thought?

I hope you have an amazing day!


P.S. Want to join my Deep Dive Program for free? We start January 24. Learn more and sign up here.

Working My Butt Off


 I did it! I put my house on the market and within 48 hours I had 6 offers. Watch the video to learn more.

I'm truly blessed, but I also manifested this because I worked my butt off getting this house ready. I don't want you to think that just because you make a list of what you would love, focus on our vision statement, and meditate that your dreams will come to fruition easily. You have to do the work!

"What you sow, you shall reap." is a popular phrase for a reason. So don't think you just get to sit back and relax while waiting on your life to become how you desire it to be. There is work involved. Follow your gut, do what feels right, and it will come.

Here we go. In a couple of weeks, the closing for the house will take place and I'll be buying that RV. It's time to travel the country.


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