Blessings Come In Many Forms

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2022

Blessings come in so many forms. I'm going to show you two different videos that I made just this week. One was from yesterday when I had to move my trailer because a huge storm was coming in. The other was after a hike, and I was feeling fully connected with nature. Watch the video to learn more.

I had to move my trailer in a storm with hail and torrential rain. Christian, a man that works at the wolf sanctuary, had to move the trailer from the sanctuary down to the farm. He had to drive around switchbacks and flooding roads. We barely made it, but I'm blessed that he was able to help me move it.

I also have to tell you that I'm feeling so blessed. I feel like everybody here is in alignment with nature and love. They care for one another and have the best interest in mind for everyone and everything, especially the wolves. It's an amazing place to be.

I want to give a few moments of gratitude that I'm in this place and that I get to have this experience. These are the extremes of my blessings this week.

I want to remind you that I'm doing a 3-day retreat in Paducah, Kentucky, from August 26th-28th. I would love to see you there. The link is below.

In addition, I am about to do a fundraiser for Mission Wolf where I've been volunteering to get them a wheelchair-accessible ramp so they can open up their new visitor center. 

Sometimes You Have To Turn The Generator On


I'm coming to you this week from Mission Wolf Sanctuary in Colorado. This week I woke up to my carbon monoxide detector going off. Watch the video to learn more.

I've been trying really hard not to use my generator because this sanctuary is a sustainable farm. They use solar energy, and I don't want to have noise pollution which will bother the wolves.

But I let it go so low last night that my carbon monoxide detector went off at 4:30 in the morning. The head of the sanctuary told me I was going to kill my battery, which means I won't be able to ever get out of here.

So, I had to plug in my generator today for the first time in 4 days. I'm trying my best, but I have to remember that I have to take care of myself, too. 

Let this be a lesson to you that you can try your best to take care of everyone else, but if you don't take care of yourself too, you're going to totally kill your own battery and eventually will burn out. 

Slowing Down for Divine Intervention


Today I want to talk about slowing down and divine intervention. Watch this video to learn more.

If you've been watching my blog, then you know I was supposed to be leaving Lubbock on Sunday to head to the wolf sanctuary in Colorado, but my truck had to be put in the shop. The part that is needed to fix my truck is on backorder, and it still hasn't come in. So I've decided to take off.

I could have left this morning at 6 AM, but divine intervention happened. My best friend from junior high, Tiffany, reached out and asked if I was going to be in Lubbock. She doesn't live here, so I decided not to leave today. I am waiting until tomorrow so I can see my oldest friend. This also means that I get to see my favorite aunt and uncle.

Let this be a lesson to us to slow down. Don't be in a hurry. There is such a thing as divine intervention.

When we get in a hurry, we don't think clearly. There's probably something going on that we need to recognize or an answer that's coming to us. Don't miss out on the opportunity to receive it because you are in a hurry.


The Composting Toilet Adventure


Oh, what an adventure I have had so far. I have a funny story about the composting toilet to share with you. Watch the video to learn more.

Before I left Houston, I thoroughly cleaned out my black tank because I knew when I got to Lubbock, my brother was going to help me install the compost toilet.

My brother and his three younger kids came in to look at the RV. While I was outside showing my brother something about the composting toilet, one of them pooped in the potty.

I'm staying at a place without sewer hookups. So I have to drive somewhere, fill up my tank, dump it all out, start all over, and then install the composting toilet.

What's the moral of the story?

If you don't want to clean out the black tank more than once, then don't let little kids come into your RV until you're done with a composting toilet.

Here we go. Another adventure with Gaia.

Emma's Unbirthday

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2022

Tuesday was my niece's unbirthday. Her birthday is actually today, but Tuesday was the day everybody could celebrate. So we called it her birthday. She doesn't know the difference because she's three. Here is a video of her when she woke up because I had balloons and things ready for her. Watch the video to learn more.

Here is the lesson that I want to share with you. Any day can be an unbirthday. Just like in Alice in Wonderland, find a celebration no matter what day it is, and enjoy it.

It doesn't have to be your birthday or even a national holiday. You can celebrate just because you are alive and breathing. 

Join me in saying "Happy Birthday" to my niece, Emma.

Getting the Truck and Driving the Trailer

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2022

I did my first driving lesson today in my truck. My brain is fried from all the right turns, left turns, and U-turns. Watch this video to learn more.

This is a new experience for me, but I've learned so much. I will admit that I'm overwhelmed, but I'm going to come back tomorrow. I've got this! 

I want to say "Thank you" to my trainer, Tony, and to each of you for your continued support.

I'm tackling my fears one at a time by learning how to drive this truck while pulling the trailer. Let this be a reminder to you that you can do hard things even if you are a little scared.

Asking Guardian Angels for Help


Today, I want to talk about guardian angels. I pray to people that have passed on. They are my guardian angels. Watch the video to learn more.

Who I pray to depends on where I need help. If it's about finances, I'm talking to my dad. If it's about relationships, I'm talking to my mom. If it's about fear and worry, I'm talking to my grandma. When they were alive, these were the areas they excelled. 

My Papa, who I don't tend to ask for guidance, was a used car salesman and then a used tractor salesman. He was incredibly good at his job and taught me how to negotiate deals for vehicles. I realized before I went in to buy my RV, I needed to ask Papa for his guidance and to help me make my decision.

I know that he was there with me. He made it happen. I can't even begin to tell you about the great deal that I got.

I did the research and the work, but I used the techniques that he taught me. I feel like he was sitting there with me telling me what to do.

I've been told that your guardian angels can't help you unless you ask for help. So ask for guidance. Ask for help. They are there supporting and advising you what to do. You just have to listen.

I encourage you to talk to your guardian angel today to get what you would love to come into your life.

Addicted to Drama

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2022

Last week I talked about progress over perfection. I have a great example of this to share with you. Watch the video to learn more.

I shared with you how I was in alignment with getting my RV and my truck and selling my house. Then one of those bad thoughts popped into my head. I was driving to my next sign language assignment and thought, "I bet I put the wrong address into my GPS. I'm going to get there and it's going to be the wrong place. I'm going to be late for my assignment."

This is called Future Tripping, which is making up stuff that's not even happening.

For me, this stems from the fact that I grew up in a very tumultuous household. After my siblings and I went to bed, my parents started fighting, screaming, slamming doors and throwing things.

They did not abuse me physically or verbally. They loved me unconditionally. It could have been much worse. But the point is, every night I listened to them screaming and yelling. My normal was craziness. It's an adrenaline rush, but not a good one. I became addicted to that.

Now here I am on my spiritual journey, but I'm still addicted to the drama. I am having to reprogram my brain and my body to know that it's okay to be at peace.

I'm at peace about selling everything and going on this adventure. It's all falling into place. Then, within minutes, I go into that Future Tripping drama, because that's what I'm used to.

I emphasized last week to be patient with yourself. It can be difficult to get out of this space, but it can happen. You can become aware of it when it happens. Then, you can make the decision to go into gratitude or something else positive to get you into a better place and find that peace again.

Everything is Falling Into Place


It's time for a little update. I sent the email asking you to manifest with me, and I got the truck. It was easy. Then, I got the fifth wheel within 16 hours. Everything is falling into place. Watch the video to learn more.

I am at peace. I'm relaxed. I've gone back and forth and vacillated from worry and letting it go and worry and surrendering. And that's what I have faith.

I want to let you know that I've worked very hard on this daily for years. Truthfully, I've been so hard on myself because I don't do it perfectly. But we're not perfect. It's about progress, not perfection.

You can find peace and manifest anyone or anything that you want. But it takes practice. Having that complete faith can be hard. I want you to know that you can do these things and more.

I'm having an amazing day. I really feel at peace and in alignment. When I was walking out of an assignment today, a man was playing a  beautiful song. If I would have been in my head and crazy, I wouldn't have heard it. But because I'm at peace and calm, I was able to enjoy the music on the sidewalk on the way to my car.

I love y'all very much. It is my passion to show you what's possible. I don't do it perfectly, but I do work diligently at improving and getting it done.

I have FAITH in you that YOU CAN DO the EXACT SAME THING.

We Did It!


WE DID IT! We manifested my 2020, Velocity Blue, Ford F250, fifth wheel towing, three-quarter-ton truck. Watch the video to learn more.

All it took was a text from a dealer that I had talked to weeks ago. He reached out to tell me he found a truck, and that he could deliver it to me. What makes this even better is that it's a really good price. 

I'm sending this out to say "thank you" and to reinforce that anything is possible. Especially when we do this together.

I admit that I went into a little bit of worry. That's why I reached out to you last week to ask for your help.

You're the collective conscious that gave me support and energy and look what we did! We did it together.

That's the way co-creating with the Universe works. It's why I teach and live it.

Thank you again for your help and support.

The next time you start to go into worry about something you are trying to manifest, I encourage you to reach out to your collective conscious, including me. 


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