Losing Weight with Mindful Eating


Today I want to talk to you about mindful eating. I absolutely love this meditation because I love food, and it helps me to lose weight when I apply it effectively. Watch the video below to learn more.

For this example, I'm going to use a strawberry, but it doesn't matter what you are eating. When I'm having nachos, I make it a point to make the perfect nacho.  

The first thing we want to do is have gratitude for the food that is nourishing your body. Say to it, “Thank you for giving me health and energy.”

Next, truly look at your food, admire how beautiful it is, and appreciate it visually. 

Finally, when you take a bite, take that one small bite, and chew it at least 50 times until it's an absolute liquid in your mouth. With every bite you take, feel what it's like in between your teeth. Relish what it tastes like on your tongue. I want you to enjoy and savor every bite. 

This helps you lose weight because you're not mindlessly eating. Mindful eating involves slowing down and savoring each bite. Because you're eating so slow, the mind has enough time to get the message when you're actually full. 

You don't actually need to put a lot of food into your system. You're given so much food at a restaurant that you feel like you have to eat it. You can actually get by on much smaller amounts than you’re generally putting on your plate. 

So today, enjoy your mindful eating.  Savor the taste of each bite and enjoy losing the weight.

Art Brings Relaxation


Today we're going to meditate on focusing our attention on a picture. This could be a photograph, or something that's painted. For the purpose of this video, we're going to focus on this Van Gogh painting. Watch the video below to learn more.

You need to really look at the painting. It might sound strange, but you are going to ask the painting, “What are you trying to tell me?”

First, you want to start with the big picture. Notice the clouds and how they go all the way across a portrait. Notice the extra green patch that is in the middle, the hills, and the flowers that are in front (if that's what you interpret the red dots to be).

Now, I want you to walk closer, so you can see the detail of the colors. Notice the yellows, the greens, the purples, the blues, and the different shades that are present.

Before I did not see what I interpreted to the right side as possibly a bush. Maybe you didn't interpret the lines in the middle as a farmer's field. You could now interpret the base of the painting as the wind blowing through the grass.

Now, get even closer. Pick a square inch and look at the delicate brushstrokes that the artist has given you. Really look at the art, meditate on it, find what the artist was trying to tell you, and speak to it.

Give yourself 10 minutes to focus. See how many colors and designs you can see. You will feel more peaceful when you're done.

Breathing Meditation


For the month of October, I am going to focus on meditation. I want to dedicate this to my dermatologist who is having a hard time slowing down. Watch the this video to learn about alternate nostril breathing to slow your racing mind or anxious body.

This technique is relatively simple. You will use your thumb and ring finger or pinkie.(your hand will look like the Y shape) to close off different sides of your nose. Start by placing your ring finger or pinkie on your left nostril and breath in on the right side of your nose for the count of four.

Next, close the right side of your nose with your thumb and breath out through the left side for the count of four. Hold for two seconds and breath in on the same (left) side. Close the left side with your finger, open the right side to breath out. Hold for two seconds and breath in for the count of four.

Move again to the left side to breath out and then in pausing between each breath.

If you would like to add to the practice, place your pointer and middle finger between your eyebrows. This represents the third eye which is our connection to the Universe and our sixth sense. Do the same exercise as above with your thumb and ring finger. If you so choose, you can close both nostrils and hold between each out and in breath.

Continue this exercise for 3-5 minutes. I guarantee you will feel more relaxed than when you started.

Observe Nature & It Will Tell You What To Do

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

During my adventure in Hawaii, I volunteered with a Botanist who taught me about Kumulipu, an Hawaiian chant. It speaks about how the earth works as a unit. Watch the video to learn more about how Mother Earth gives us clues on how to take care of ourselves.

We as humans try to control nature, but nature will win every time.

What can you do to work with nature? How can you protect it?

Listen or watch to see what signs nature is giving you today.

Preserving Hawaiian Land

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2021

Communing with nature is so important if we are to keep Mother Earth healthy. Watch this video to see what I learned this summer while visiting Maui when I volunteered for a botanical reserve.

Nature heals us whether it is giving us renewing energy during a hike or medicinal plants that keep us healthy. It is important that when we take from nature we ask permission, listen to our intuition and honor if it is not wanting us to take from the land.

This week consider thanking nature for everything it provides for us: oxygen, beauty, life sustaining food and medicine. Treasure it. Love it.

Take the time to slow down and really look at a tree or a flower to see its beauty. This is meditation.

Increasing Your Sense of Deserving


Today I want to talk about increasing your sense of deserving because the Universe can only bring to you what you feel you are worthy of receiving. 

When we place limitations on ourselves that tells the Universe to place limitations on what we would love to manifest.

In order to increase our sense of deserving, we can:

First, make a list of 20 successes you have experienced in your lifetime. They need to be both big and small. It can range from…I got my degree to I fed my kids today, or I got out of bed when I didn’t feel like it. Then every day, write AT LEAST one success you have had recently. 

Second, surround yourself with people that are supportive and believe in you 100%. I encourage individuals to dream bigger than they ever have before, and if you tell others this, they may say it isn’t possible. You want to surround yourself with people that believe ANYTHING is POSSIBLE.

Third, let go of your negative thoughts. We tend to love others so much more than we love ourselves. So today, start talking to yourself the same way you would talk to a loved one.

I hope you will utilize these suggestions because they will increase your sense of deserving which will lead to greater and faster manifestation.

How to Obtain More Success


Today we are talking about the Law of Success. If you are wanting to bring more success into your life, watch this video

Raymond Holliwell says, “Great things are no less possible than small things, and it's the great things that will follow whoever uses the law with faith and understanding. Whatever your present state or condition may be, there is a better and larger future in store for you.”

You cannot rise into the better and greater things unless you take action.

A quarter in the eyes of the Universe is equivalent to thousands of dollars. If you can manifest a quarter on the street, you can manifest $10,000. That's what I got the summer that I reached out to the Universe and told her that is what I needed.

In order to be successful by utilizing the principles we have learned over the last few weeks, we will be given ideas from the Universe when we visualize our future. But when we're given the ideas, we have to follow through with action.  Do not let fear hold you back.

Over the last two weeks, what idea, thought, or inspiration have you had to step forward into what you would love to create? 

Bring that to mind and make a commitment today to do something about it.  Step into your beautiful future. 

Doing What We Know is the Right Thing To Do


Today we're talking about the Law of Obedience, which is basically doing the next right thing. Watch this video to learn more.

Raymond Holliwell defines the Law of Obedience as, “Living in the present. Do your highest duty every day, forget the past, and let the future take care of itself.”

There's nothing you can do about the past.  In the present you can make a vow to change your thoughts, behavior, and actions. 

Stay in the moment. Stay focused. Do the best you absolutely can so you can create a better future. 

My question for you today is this...how can you stay in this moment today? 

Also make it a point to notice when those past memories come up where you're being down on yourself and demeaning because you made a mistake. If it was yesterday, or even two years ago, forgive yourself, love yourself, let it go, and decide to change your behavior in the future.

Start focusing on what you would love to co-create with the Universe.  Visualize as if it has already happened, so you can bring it into your life today. 

Always do your best, do your diligent duty, stay in the moment, and be present.

Sacrificing One Thing for Another


Today we are talking about the Law of Sacrifice.

This one is not so fun, but something always has to be sacrificed to create something else.  Watch the video to learn more.

That might mean going to bed earlier so you can get a good night's sleep. Maybe it means breaking off that relationship with a family member, so you can have peace of mind.  It could mean spending an hour longer at work instead of binge watching your favorite TV show.  Whatever it is, one thing has to be sacrificed for the other.

Raymond Holliwell says, “Beginning of such success is first the desire for discipline of your time and thought.  An undisciplined life is an insane life.” 

With the Law of Sacrifice, it's about getting disciplined about what's more important.  Is it more important to go out every night to run for 30 minutes to get in better shape?  Or is it more important for you to sit on the couch and relax? 

Both sound great. But for you, at this moment in your life, what is most important to get you to the goal that you would love to achieve?

So when you are thinking about what you want to co-create with the Universe, think about what you can sacrifice today to get you closer to the goal of what you would love to become. 

Letting Go of Control


Today we are talking about the Law of Resistance. We try to hold on and control so much outside of us, and we're using that push energy to try to make it happen.

But that's not the way of the Universe. We want to sit back and let it be. We take action with the ideas we have, but not force anything to happen. Watch the video to learn more.

Raymond Holliwell says, "If a man resists a situation, he will have it always with him. If he tries to run away from it, like a shadow, it follows him. If he ignores the hardness of the condition and fearlessly works around it, he will find a time when that hard condition will have been absorbed and removed.  Accept the condition as some evidence of good. Look for the good."

I recently talked about the fact that there's a good in every situation. If you feel yourself pushing back trying to make something happen and it is not working, sit back, stop being resistant, go with the flow, and listen to the ideas that are being brought to you from the Universe to make it easier.

I want to leave you with this passage from Raymond Holliwell:

"The little stream is not interested so much in the boulder or tree that's blocking its path as it is in hurrying along and reaching a larger stream, a river, the mighty ocean, which is the source of all things. It does not waste any time with the obstacle, but quietly works its way around the interference and hurries on."

What is interfering in your life?  What are you resisting that you're pushing, and it isn't changing?

Today I want you to recognize that, and then realize how you can sit back and ask for answers from the Universe so life can be much easier.

After-all, we don't want a hard life...we want an easier one.


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