Ridding Yourself of Doubt in 2022


Are you having doubts about next year?

I want you to get away from the doubt and fear. Instead, go into faith and trust. Watch this video to learn more.

Ask and you shall receive. Whatever we send our energy to, that's what we're going to create. So if we stay in fear and doubt, that's what's going to come into our lives. But if we  focus on our vision and what we would love to have in our life, that's what will come to fruition.

I want to help you learn how to focus on this type of energy as we go into January. On January 5th at 7:00 CST, I'm going to be teaching a FREE workshop that will help you Manifest Your Best in 2022.  You can click here to reserve your spot in this amazing workshop.

I love my life, and I want you to love yours, too.  Let's create your vision together!



When Fun Turns to Frustrating


Today I want to share this video about being silly.  We are allowed to step out of our box and do something fun. When we do this, it can even bring joy to other people. Watch this video to learn more.

My hairstyle and clothing decorations are because I was interpreting at a job and it was “dress-up like a Christmas tree” day. I wanted to have fun. So I dressed up!

But then on the way home, I decided to go get my stamps for my Christmas cards. I got in, what I thought was the shortest line, but it wasn’t. Someone new was working the register, and she didn't know how to do a few things. 

All I needed to do was buy one book of stamps. I felt myself starting to get very agitated.  So the first thing I did was take deep breaths. The second thing I did was look around for a magazine to distract me. I actually read a really good article. 

The point is, there are other things you can do when you feel yourself starting to get frustrated. You can even take that time to think about your vision statement. On a side note…the first week of January, I'm going to give a workshop on developing your vision statement and getting close to what you would love to manifest in 2022. More details to come.

The bottom line is that you don't have to stay in frustration or anger. There are other options!

Instead of allowing yourself to be upset, you can practice deep breathing, find a distraction, think about what you would love and take that time to make your wish list for the new year. 

At the end of it all, I walked out to my car, sat down, and decided to let it go. I could have ruminated all the way home, but I decided not to.

Because I let it go, I got to mail off my Christmas cards and be happy with the joys that I'm experiencing with Christmas. So the next time you feel yourself getting frustrated, take some deep breaths, let it go, and have a peaceful, fun day!


Sometimes Life Sucks


Sometimes life just sucks. It's inevitable. We have our ups and our downs. Today I want to teach you how to get over the hump of those down times so it won't affect you as much. Watch this video to learn more.

The first thing you need to do is realize that there is a lesson in this tough situation. Often it can take some time to realize what it is. If you can go into gratitude for the fact that you are about to learn something wonderful, then the situation will improve.

Also remember that everything is temporary. The saying, "This too shall pass." is important to remember.

So today, when you have something unexpected happen that is not so great, go into gratitude that a lesson is coming. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. This will help you get over that hump when things aren't going as you would like.

I'm Grateful For You


This month we have talked about going into gratitude and counting our blessings. For this week, I want to thank you for blessing me with your presence and taking the time to watch my videos and read my emails.

You're the reason that I am a spiritual life coach and that I get to do what I do. I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Morning Gratitudes


Let’s continue this month of gratitude because it is the month of Thanksgiving. Last week, I talked about what we can do when we go to bed at night to remember our blessings throughout today. 

This week I'm going to talk about what you can do first thing in the morning before your feet even touch the floor. Watch this video to learn more.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to think of 10 things that I am grateful for. I always start with, ”I am so grateful for this comfortable bed because it gave me a good night's sleep.” 

You could be grateful for the shower with warm water, the dishwasher, your pets, the beautiful day, or the fact you have a job.  You could even be grateful for anything as simple as being able to walk. 

The biggest challenge sometimes is to get down to those smaller things that we don't realize every day. So start thinking about what you are grateful for.

If you can express your gratitude for 10 things every morning before you get out of bed, I guarantee you are going to start your day in a better way.

Count Your Blessings Every Night


Today I want to talk to you about counting your blessings. This is one of my favorite exercises to do right before I go to sleep because it helps me to get in a great vibration. Since we are in the month of Thanksgiving, it's also a great way to show gratitude. Watch this video to learn more.

When I lay my head down on my pillow every night, I think about my entire day and how I was blessed. 

You can acknowledge big things that you were blessed with like maybe a raise at work. Or you can simply be thankful for the fact your car made it to work today, or that it was a beautiful day outside. 

Count all of your blessings and find gratitude in your day. That way before you go to sleep you'll be in a better place. 

You will feel great and even have better dreams! I guarantee it. So try it. Count your blessings every night before you go to bed. It'll put you in a wonderful place.

Meditation is Good For Your Soul


Over the last month, we have meditated with all five senses. Today, I have provided for you a guided meditation that will simply use your mind. Listen to the audio to see where this meditation takes you.

Walking Meditation


This month we have been studying different meditations that cover all 5 senses.  This week we will be doing a walking meditation to concentrate on our tactile senses.  

Watch the video to learn more. 

I suggest you take off your shoes and find a soft patch of grass to walk on. You will be connecting to the Earth. 

Ever so slowly, start taking small steps from the heel to the toe. You could do this with your eyes open or closed. The most important thing is to really feel each blade of grass on your feet, connect to the Earth, and get grounded. 

You don’t have to travel far. It’s more about being slow and methodical. If you would prefer, you could count to 100 while taking these small steps. I highly recommend  you end your walk at a tree and give it a hug, There is a lot of energy there. 

Enjoy your walking meditation this week.

Losing Weight with Mindful Eating


Today I want to talk to you about mindful eating. I absolutely love this meditation because I love food, and it helps me to lose weight when I apply it effectively. Watch the video below to learn more.

For this example, I'm going to use a strawberry, but it doesn't matter what you are eating. When I'm having nachos, I make it a point to make the perfect nacho.  

The first thing we want to do is have gratitude for the food that is nourishing your body. Say to it, “Thank you for giving me health and energy.”

Next, truly look at your food, admire how beautiful it is, and appreciate it visually. 

Finally, when you take a bite, take that one small bite, and chew it at least 50 times until it's an absolute liquid in your mouth. With every bite you take, feel what it's like in between your teeth. Relish what it tastes like on your tongue. I want you to enjoy and savor every bite. 

This helps you lose weight because you're not mindlessly eating. Mindful eating involves slowing down and savoring each bite. Because you're eating so slow, the mind has enough time to get the message when you're actually full. 

You don't actually need to put a lot of food into your system. You're given so much food at a restaurant that you feel like you have to eat it. You can actually get by on much smaller amounts than you’re generally putting on your plate. 

So today, enjoy your mindful eating.  Savor the taste of each bite and enjoy losing the weight.

Art Brings Relaxation


Today we're going to meditate on focusing our attention on a picture. This could be a photograph, or something that's painted. For the purpose of this video, we're going to focus on this Van Gogh painting. Watch the video below to learn more.

You need to really look at the painting. It might sound strange, but you are going to ask the painting, “What are you trying to tell me?”

First, you want to start with the big picture. Notice the clouds and how they go all the way across a portrait. Notice the extra green patch that is in the middle, the hills, and the flowers that are in front (if that's what you interpret the red dots to be).

Now, I want you to walk closer, so you can see the detail of the colors. Notice the yellows, the greens, the purples, the blues, and the different shades that are present.

Before I did not see what I interpreted to the right side as possibly a bush. Maybe you didn't interpret the lines in the middle as a farmer's field. You could now interpret the base of the painting as the wind blowing through the grass.

Now, get even closer. Pick a square inch and look at the delicate brushstrokes that the artist has given you. Really look at the art, meditate on it, find what the artist was trying to tell you, and speak to it.

Give yourself 10 minutes to focus. See how many colors and designs you can see. You will feel more peaceful when you're done.


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