Please Help Me Manifest

Uncategorized May 20, 2022

I need your help manifesting. There is a specific color three-quarter-ton diesel truck that I would love to have. It's a blue that my neighbors recently got. Every time I see it, it brings me joy. Watch the video to learn more.

I decided that I can ask the Universe whatever I want, and I would love to have a specific blue-colored truck. Either a Ford F 250, which is my favorite, or Ram 2500.

So I'm asking you if you could please hold that energy for me. Send that positivity. See me driving it off the lot next Wednesday. Why Wednesday? Because I have to get a hitch put on it so I can drive my RV home in 10 days! 

Thank you for your support. Please send me that positive energy and let's do it together as a collective conscience. I love you so much. Thank you in advance.

What Would You Love


I have the coolest thing To share with you. I have a friend that has not liked his job for a very long time. He has complained about it often. I always tell him whatever you focus your attention on, the Universe will provide. Watch the video to learn more.

Thank God..he was laid off, but now he's freaking out about money.

I had him do an exercise that would help him figure out what he would love to do. I recommend you try it as well.

Simply write "What would you love?" on the top of a piece of paper, set a timer for 5 minutes, and start writing. You can write about your health, places you want to go, what work you would love to do, relationships, or anything that you desire.

Write continuously. Because when the ideas come from the Infinite, it's kind of like pumping water from a well. When it first comes out, It's brackish. After a while, it gets clearer and clearer the more you pump.

As a result of this exercise, my friend mentioned an idea that he has never mentioned to me before. He talked about it with excitement and happiness.

After he told me about it, I gave him his next steps which were to meditate/focus on his idea, and then ask the Universe, "What is my next step?"

He found his passion. And is asking the Universe what to do next.

I hope you discover what you would love today. 

Afraid to Do Something New


I did it! I sold my house. I actually cried before I signed that paperwork. So many emotions were involved. I almost talked myself out of it. Watch the video to learn more.

I experienced the fear of doing something new. I way saying to myself, "What am I thinking? I don't know how to drive an RV and I don't have another house to go to." But that was just my paradigms getting in the way. It almost stopped me, but I didn't let it.

I paused and asked the Universe to give me a sign if I'm supposed to sell this house. When we go into fear, it's good to ask the Universe for an answer.

The coolest thing happened. I got a bill in the mail for this house that was triple what it usually is. It was  clear as day a sign of what I needed to do.

Ask and you shall receive. I'm so grateful I asked for a sign, and that I went through with the closing paperwork. I'm grateful and relieved that this chapter in my life is complete. Now, it's time to get that RV and truck.

I hope you ask the Universe for a sign today.

You Can Never Ask Too Much


Let's talk a little bit more about asking the Universe for what you would love. Watch this video to learn more.

Last week, I talked about asking the Universe for help with the RV and how I received an anonymous book. It was called RV for Dummies and definitely helped me out. Since then, I've had two different people reach out to teach me more about RVs.

I realized that I don't need to onlask about that. I've also wanted somebody to help me install my compost toilet. I think it'd be very empowering for me to do that. But I keep hitting a brick wall.

So today, I specifically asked for the Universe to send me someone who could help me install my compost toilet. Then, I had this brilliant idea. My stepdad is a plumber. I'm going to see him and he can help me do it. This is a wonderful project that we can do together.

So what's my point? The point of this is to teach you that the Universe is not like a person. You cannot ask too much of the Universe. You can ask for as much as you want, have faith that it's going to come, and then keep the awareness of what you need to do next. The Universe is limitless. So your questions and wants can be limitless as well. 

RV and Campers for Dummies


I have something super cool to share with you. I have been blessed. Watch this video to learn more.

To be honest, I've been a little overwhelmed with this RV thing. There's so much to learn about electrical systems, solar panels, compost toilets, and how to work the propane tanks. It's a lot to even turn on the water. There are so many steps involved instead of just going to your house and turning on the faucet.

So I asked the Universe to please bring somebody to me to make this easier. Guess what the Universe actually brought me? The book RV and Campers for Dummies. It was sent to me in the mail from somebody anonymously from my church. It said, "From a Unity Angel." That means it's from the Unity of Houston church.

When I asked for help from the Universe, I thought it was going to be through a person. I was wrong and that's okay. This is perfect because I learned so much more from visually seeing information and writing notes than from watching videos.

Thank you, Universe. I've been given another gift today. So please keep asking the Universe for what you need, be aware of the gifts that you're being given, and utilize those gifts 100%.  

What If It Was Easy?


I have some very exciting news. But first, I need to give a little history. Watch the video to learn more.

Several months ago when I was planning my speaking tour/RV trip, I asked the Universe to please make this easy and let the speaking gigs appear. Sure enough, Laura, from The Art Farm Women's Retreat Center in Paducah, Kentucky reached out to me.

I hadn't talked to this woman in years, but she was on my email list and saw that I was going to be traveling in her area. We agreed to have a retreat at her center. 

On the weekend of my birthday, August 26th-28th, we're going to host a three-day retreat called Living a Vision Driven Life. I'm so excited.

I hope to see you there. You can find more information about the retreat and register by clicking here.

Thank you, Universe. This can be easy. Ask and you shall receive.

I love what I do, and I hope I'm teaching you the same thing, too.

Working My Butt Off


 I did it! I put my house on the market and within 48 hours I had 6 offers. Watch the video to learn more.

I'm truly blessed, but I also manifested this because I worked my butt off getting this house ready. I don't want you to think that just because you make a list of what you would love, focus on our vision statement, and meditate that your dreams will come to fruition easily. You have to do the work!

"What you sow, you shall reap." is a popular phrase for a reason. So don't think you just get to sit back and relax while waiting on your life to become how you desire it to be. There is work involved. Follow your gut, do what feels right, and it will come.

Here we go. In a couple of weeks, the closing for the house will take place and I'll be buying that RV. It's time to travel the country.

What If You Only Had a Short Time To Live?


I am reading the most fascinating book right now. It's called "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick. In this book, everybody gets a box with a string in it that determines how long they will live. Watch the video below to learn more.
Watch the video to learn more.

If the string is short, that means you're going to die soon. If the string is long, then you have longer to live. What's fascinating about it is that after about a week of this happening, a lot of businesses shut down and left signs on their door that said they were gone to "live their lives" and "make some memories". When they found out they don't have much time to live, they tried to make the most of it.

That's what I'm doing now with my RV trip around the country. We have no idea when our lives will be over. I died when I was 18 (you can check out my book to learn more about that). Obviously, I came back. I learned there are no guarantees for tomorrow.

I have talked to so many people who have expressed that they have wanted to go on an RV trip around the country.  But they're not doing it.

So I want to encourage you today to do something that you would love. You don't have to do it tomorrow. Just start planning. I've been planning this RV trip for years, and it's finally going to happen.

What is something that you would love to do that you can start planning today? 

The Mallet Man

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

As promised, I'm bringing you the story of The Mallet Man. He is someone that's following his passion and changing the world to make it a better place. Watch the video to learn more.

The Mallet Man will be driving down the road and if he sees plastic or garbage on the ground, he'll pull over to pick it up. He chooses the plastic he uses based on their colors to make the beautiful mallets and recycles the rest.

He's amazing. I love to share these stories because it shows that anything is possible. Follow your passion and the money will come. You never could be saving the world at the same time.

Garage Sale Inspirations


Recently, I went to the Cinco Ranch High School's Annual Spring Garage Sale. Watch this video to learn more.

There were tons of people already lined up 15 minutes before the garage sale began. They even had a police tape out to make sure nobody crossed that line before 7:30.

I went to this garage sale to manifest a few things for my RV. It was crazy, but I survived! I ended up not getting very much because it became a social hour, and I talked to a lot of amazing people including a guy that makes mallets out of recyclable materials. I'm going to do a blog about him next week.

I found some books for my son, some cute little bowls for the RV, and had a great time. I hope you enjoyed watching the inspirational signs and may they bring you joy today. 


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