Asking Guardian Angels for Help


Today, I want to talk about guardian angels. I pray to people that have passed on. They are my guardian angels. Watch the video to learn more.

Who I pray to depends on where I need help. If it's about finances, I'm talking to my dad. If it's about relationships, I'm talking to my mom. If it's about fear and worry, I'm talking to my grandma. When they were alive, these were the areas they excelled. 

My Papa, who I don't tend to ask for guidance, was a used car salesman and then a used tractor salesman. He was incredibly good at his job and taught me how to negotiate deals for vehicles. I realized before I went in to buy my RV, I needed to ask Papa for his guidance and to help me make my decision.

I know that he was there with me. He made it happen. I can't even begin to tell you about the great deal that I got.

I did the research and the work, but I used the techniques that he taught me. I feel like he was sitting there with me telling me what to do.

I've been told that your guardian angels can't help you unless you ask for help. So ask for guidance. Ask for help. They are there supporting and advising you what to do. You just have to listen.

I encourage you to talk to your guardian angel today to get what you would love to come into your life.


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