We Live in an Abundant Universe


We often live in a state of lack and scarcity. The most predominant area would be finances or thinking there is not enough money. There are other feelings of lack such as:

Relationships and thinking, “I don’t have enough love in my life.” 

Health: “I am not feeling good and I can’t overcome this disease.”

I want you to change your mindset that we live in an all abundant Universe. 

It doesn’t matter what sense of lack we are feeling, there are several things we can do to overcome these feelings.

1.Bless everything you have. Walk around your house and go into gratitude for every single thing you have in your home. Say, “Thank you for the beautiful pictures on the wall that are visually pleasing to me. Thank you for the hot running water. Thank you for my microwave. Thank you for my washer and dryer so I do not have to wash my clothes by hand.” I give thanks for my books because there are those in third world countries that don’t even have pen and paper. 

There is so much for us to be thankful for, and when we focus on what we do have, the Law of Abundance will create more in our lives. 

2. Give in the area you feel you have the most lack. It seems crazy, but when we take the energy to give, it will grow as well. It is called the Law of Circulation. Where you give will always come back to you. In relation to your health, give someone a cough drop to help them stop coughing. When you are having financial problems, I encourage people to tithe. This does not need to be to a church, but where you are Spiritually fed. That could be to a national park where you love to hike or to a rescue shelter because you feel most connected to God when you are with animals. 

3. Celebrate another’s success. We don’t want to go into the negativity of jealousy. We want to go into, “I am so happy for you because you just got a brand new sports car because I am about to get one too.” 

Bless everything you have, give where you are felling lack and celebrate another’s success. These three practices will get you past lack or the thoughts of scarcity and not having enough in your life. 

False Evidence Appearing Real

fear health mindset Dec 18, 2019

Today we are talking about a very exciting subject…FEAR. I like to say it is False Evidence Appearing Real. All it means is that you are on that green growing edge of becoming something bigger and better. 

Instead of running from it, I want you to wrap your arms around it and say, “Thank you!” Because this is a sign that you are going to a great place that you have never been before.

Just because there is fear it doesn’t mean you can’t. It only means you haven’t yet.

How can we overcome fear?

  • Put your focus back on your vision and allow yourself to feel what it is like to have these things accomplished and already in your life.
  • Realize what is the truth and what is a fact. The truth is we have a connection with a Higher Power that can give us an answer to every question and a solution to every problem. 
  • Stay away from the “what ifs” that can take over our lives and rarely come true.

When we follow these three simple concepts, we can overcome fear. 

So today, if you are feeling scared, worried, or anxious, go back to “What would I love?” Look at your vision statement and feel what it is like to be living that life.

The situation you are experiencing right now is only a fact, and facts will change. The truth of what your Higher Power can do for you will never change.

Creating a Vision Statement


Today I want to talk about creating our vision statement. That is your order to the universe about what you would love to manifest into your life. 

I want to encourage you not to just focus on one thing. I teach that all four quadrants are important.  Those quadrants are health, relationships, vocation and time, and money freedom. 

If you had all the money in the world and all the time the world, what would you be, do, or have? It can be anything you want to improve or something that you've always wanted to do. For health, is there an illness you want to heal? Maybe you're wanting to crawl around on the floor with your grandchildren or do a triathlon. For relationships is there one you're wanting to mend, or a soulmate you would love to bring into your life? For vocation, are you wanting a raise or start your own business? What would you love your working environment to look like? 

If you had time and money freedom, what would you love to be, do, or have? Write this in present tense as if it's already happened, “I am so thankful and grateful that…” I got my raise of $45,000. I love that I found my soulmate. 

Fill it with passion, so you can attract that energy back to you. And don't just write about what you think you can do. Write about what you would love to do. 

And if you would love to calibrate this vision statement with me, you can sign up for a strategy session. Just go to my website, LauraCole.io or follow the link below. Because you took the time to watch this video, you get a discount of fifty percent. Type the code “SAVE50%” when signing up for the strategy session

Writing your vision statement is the first step to manifesting what you would love to come into your life. My hope is that you take the time to do that for yourself today.  I hope to talk to you soon. 


Healing Yourself

health mindset Sep 10, 2019

I always say that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

One of my favorite stories is in relation to a healing when I cracked my tooth.

I had been focusing on healing for a while. I already understood the relationship and vocational quadrant when it came to manifesting, but I still needed more experience with the health quadrant. I had heard about miraculous healings, but I really didn’t understand how that worked.

I focused on “How does this work?” and as I have said before, “God always says yes.” I was given the answer.

One day while I was eating, I bit down and cracked my tooth. I went to the dentist and he put a crown on my tooth, but he didn’t do it right. I had to go back to his office three times to have it ground down.

By the third time, the nerve of that tooth was so inflamed that I had to go to a oral specialist.

The specialist told me that although my nerve had not been exposed due to the cracked tooth, I would still have to get a root canal. Apparently, the older you get the roots to your teeth get smaller and the blood circulation lessens. Thus when a tooth is inflamed, it is difficult for it to heal.

He then proceeded to tell me, “If you were 14 or 15 years old, you would be able to heal, but because of your age, you will have to get a root canal.”

I thought to myself…GAME ON!

I’ve told people that they can heal themselves, and this was my opportunity to prove that point.

I meditated on what it feels like for my mouth to be healed and to enjoy eating and chewing my food. I did this daily for six weeks, and the pain went away.

My tooth was healed. It has been years, and I have never had another problem with my tooth.

Like I say…ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. You can heal yourself, but you have to get into that mindset of believing and knowing that it can be your truth.

 Peace and blessings,


Turning Around Toxic Thoughts

gratitude health Apr 16, 2019

People that are stressed out at work get heart attacks. Others that are stressed can get stomach ulcers. That is because toxic thoughts create a toxic body.

When you are miserable, your body gets out of alignment because you are putting it in a negative vibration that will decrease the effectiveness of your immune system. We want to keep the body at a place of healing itself, but when we continuously have negative thoughts in our mind, our body will keep breaking down.

What can you do to turn this around?

  • Notice when you are focusing on the stress and the terrible things that are occurring in your life.
  • Tell yourself that is not where you want to be.
  • Acknowledge you would rather be healthy.
  • Go into a place of gratitude and be thankful for what you have.
  • Take deep breaths to put you in a calmer state.

Remember…if you are constantly thinking about getting sick or worried about getting an illness that another person has, God always says yes to the thoughts that you hold. If you are dwelling on being sick, then you will become sick.

Instead give yourself a break, relax, enjoy your life and go into gratitude. Your body will stay healthier and your mind will be in a great place.


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