Grateful for Kleenex


There are so many things in each day that we can be grateful for. Watch this video to learn more.

While driving to work, my nose started running. Usually, I have some Kleenex tissues in the glove box, but I couldn't find them anywhere. Then, I remembered there was Kleenex in my purse and I was able to blow my nose. I am so thankful for Kleenex. Otherwise, I would have had snot running down my face.

There's so much that we can be grateful for. If you can't think of anything, think of the people in Ukraine right now that are having to flee their homes with only a suitcase in their hand. Be grateful that we are blessed. It will change your vibration and make your day much better. 

Creating Abundance By Clearing Out


Welcome to my closet. Last week, I talked about how when you clear out, it makes space for more to come in. I've been working on clearing out my cloths, and letting go of the attachment to material things that I often don't use or need.

I'm moving into an RV and that space is small. So I'm giving myself the opportunity to make room for more wonderful things in my life. What I have cleared out of this closet is just the beginning.

It's been a process that has taken several weeks. I do a little bit, take a break, and then come back and do a little bit more. You don't have to do it all in one day. What can you release today so you can bring even more abundance into your life?

It's Okay To Be Scared


As I continue creating my journey of a speaking tour around the country in my RV, I have to admit that part of me is scared. Watch this video to learn more.

Notice I said that PART of me is scared, not all of me. I am here to tell you that it's okay to be scared. You can be scared, and have faith at the same time.

I asked my higher power, the Universe, what I needed to do. The Universe told me watch January 2nd Unity of Houston's service which was led by Reverend Jean Marie Heck. It was absolutely perfect.

This message was about prosperity and what I needed to hear. You can listen to it here. The link is below.

Take time to pause and ask for help. Then, take time to listen. When you can do this, you will be told the next step.

So as you take your journey into this year of 2022, be scared AND be excited. Do something new, and know that it is coming to you if you simply listen for the next step. 



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