Let’s continue our study on Working with the Law.
Today we're working with the Law of Thinking. Raymond Holliwell uses this quote, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.”
Holliwell states “The progress of the individual is largely determined by his ruling mental state because the mind is the basic factor and governing power of the entire life of man. Attention should be given to the predominant mental state. It will regulate the action and direction of all of one's forces, which will inevitably determine many particular experiences, and the personal fate.”
What this basically says is that as a man thinketh, so he shall become. So what we focus on...so will we become.
So what is your predominant mental state? Is that worry and fear? Or is it looking through to a hopeful future and what you would love to pull into your life?
Now that you've decided on what you would love to create, today is your opportunity to predominantly think about that.
Think about having it in the future, seeing it in your hands, and having that experience.
When you hear yourself say, “There's no way this could happen, or I can’t do this”, know that it has already been created. You simply have not seen it in form.
Keep noticing what predominant mental state that you are in today, whether it's focusing on what you would love, or what you really don't want in your life.
Awareness is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Living with guilt can destroy our lives.
Watch the attached video to learn how to let go of guilt and bring joy back into your life.
“The psychology of guilt is rooted in self-judgement.
It is the sense that we have done something wrong.
It is anger turned inward arising when we violate our belief system”
(from the book Life Lessons by Elizabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler)
It is okay to feel guilty if you know internally you have done something wrong
because it keeps us guided on a better path.
BUT remaining in guilt and staying with the thoughts of I am not worthy is not good for us.
When you do feel guilty, make the commitment to make a different choice the next time and then FORGIVE YOURSELF.
You must move on and out of that negativity, so you can love yourself as others
love you.
Today I want to talk about increasing your sense of deserving because the Universe can only bring to you what you feel you are worthy of receiving.
When we place limitations on ourselves that tells the Universe to place limitations on what we would love to manifest.
In order to increase our sense of deserving, we can:
First, make a list of 20 successes you have experienced in your lifetime. They need to be both big and small. It can range from…I got my degree to I fed my kids today, or I got out of bed when I didn’t feel like it. Then every day, write AT LEAST one success you have had recently.
Second, surround yourself with people that are supportive and believe in you 100%. I encourage individuals to dream bigger than they ever have before, and if you tell others this, they may say it isn’t possible. You want to surround yourself with people that believe ANYTHING is POSSIBLE.
Third, let go of your negative thoughts. We tend to love others so much more than we love ourselves. So today, start talking to yourself the same way you would talk to a loved one.
I hope you will utilize these suggestions because they will increase your sense of deserving which will lead to greater and faster manifestation.
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