Increasing Financial Abundance Workshop


I am so excited! I will be giving a workshop on my new e-book 4 Simple Secrets to financial abundance. Watch the video to learn more.

On January 6th at 8 PM CST I will be giving a workshop on how to increase your financial abundance. We will be talking about the four points in my book and I will add a 5th secret to those who are attending the workshop.

We will also work on expanding your vision. 

With these short secrets, you will be able to increase your finances by bringing in more money and resources so you can accomplish any financial goal.

To reserve your spot, click this link:

I look forward to seeing you on January 6th.


Quiet Contemplation


We were given a soul when we came to this earth to live and love and that same soul will go with us when we die.

This video has a beautiful excerpt from the book Life Lessons by Elizabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler to help us contemplate who we really are.

“You undoubtedly have faults, but they are not you.

You may have a disease, but you are not your diagnosis.

You may be rich, but you are not your credit rating.

You’re not your resume, your neighborhood, your grades, your mistakes, your body,

your roles or your titles.

All these things are not yours because they are changeable.

There is a part of you that is undefinable and changeless.

Who you are is eternal and that will never change.”

When you consider today, “Who am I?” Contemplate if you are living by your title and your salary, or are you living by your soul and love?

Something to think about.

Manifest More Money

abundance manifestation May 28, 2019

The number one thing that people would like to manifest is money, so I would like to teach you two ways to bring that into your life.

1. Don’t ask for a specific amount of money.

If you ask for $25,000, you do not know how that money will come. Someone could pass away and you get $25,000 in life insurance money. That is probably not the way you want it to come.

Instead get clear and exact about what you would love to get for the $25,000. Examples: airline tickets to Australia, a Disney World vacation, a new yacht, or the down payment for my house. Get specific with the Universe on what you would like to do with the money.

2. Focus your attention on what you want to manifest.

Where you place your attention is what will expand in your life.

Pay attention to the abundance that is coming into your life. Make an abundance list. Every time something unexpected comes into your life, write it down.

Examples: I got a free pen at the bank today, my friend took me out to lunch, I got a $1 off coupon at the grocery store, I found a penny on the street, I saved 20% on a couch I wanted to buy.

When you start to realize the abundance that you already have in your life, the abundance will EXPAND and GROW.

Peace and blessings,


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