Facing Resistance

goals law of resistance Oct 03, 2023

I am back! I’ve missed you and I’m looking forward to connecting with you again.

For the last year, I have been traveling with my son. I wanted to concentrate on the fun I was having and my time with him. I haven't been making videos or blogs. Nothing!

I made a commitment this weekend to start again. I presented at the Big Sky Retreat recently, and I realized that I have to get back out there.

But then I woke up, and I didn't want do it this morning. Because no makeup... I didn't do my hair as cutesy as I usually do.

Then, I listened to a spiritual talk and realized I'm being resistant. And the reason is FEAR of getting myself out there. There is that fear of rejection when I reach out to ask people to allow me to present.

I'm so excited to be back with you again. I've recognized my resistance and my fear so I can get my butt in gear and do what I'm called to do – which is to present these spiritual principles.

So today ask yourself: what are you resisting that's getting in the way of your goals?

You can share with a friend, journal about it, or send me a note about what you're facing. Recognize it so you can move past the resistance.

I hope you have a beautiful, wonderful, awesome day.

Peace and blessings,

Dr. Laura Cole

Letting Go of Control


Today we are talking about the Law of Resistance. We try to hold on and control so much outside of us, and we're using that push energy to try to make it happen.

But that's not the way of the Universe. We want to sit back and let it be. We take action with the ideas we have, but not force anything to happen. Watch the video to learn more.

Raymond Holliwell says, "If a man resists a situation, he will have it always with him. If he tries to run away from it, like a shadow, it follows him. If he ignores the hardness of the condition and fearlessly works around it, he will find a time when that hard condition will have been absorbed and removed.  Accept the condition as some evidence of good. Look for the good."

I recently talked about the fact that there's a good in every situation. If you feel yourself pushing back trying to make something happen and it is not working, sit back, stop being resistant, go with the flow, and listen to the ideas that are being brought to you from the Universe to make it easier.

I want to leave you with this passage from Raymond Holliwell:

"The little stream is not interested so much in the boulder or tree that's blocking its path as it is in hurrying along and reaching a larger stream, a river, the mighty ocean, which is the source of all things. It does not waste any time with the obstacle, but quietly works its way around the interference and hurries on."

What is interfering in your life?  What are you resisting that you're pushing, and it isn't changing?

Today I want you to recognize that, and then realize how you can sit back and ask for answers from the Universe so life can be much easier.

After-all, we don't want a hard life...we want an easier one.


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