Do you ever fall into the trap of thinking about terrible "what ifs"?
What if this doesn't work out?
What if I can't ever meet anybody?
What if something terrible happens?
What if I can't find the house that I love?
These thoughts consume us and take up so much energy.
Here's a suggestion. Let's shift the perspective to a new set of empowering questions:
What if I was successful?
What if I found that perfect house?
What if this relationship did work out?
What if I was highly successful in everything that I would love?
It takes the same amount of time to go into the worry of "what ifs" of the tragic as you can go into the "what ifs" of success.
So today, really think about, What if life worked out exactly the way that I would love?
Give that thought energy.
As I often say, God gives us everything we want. God always says "yes," but it's what you have faith in, because that's what you focus on. So try shifting to the positive possibilities.
What if I was successful?
I hope you have an amazing day!
I have something super cool to share with you. I have been blessed. Watch this video to learn more.
To be honest, I've been a little overwhelmed with this RV thing. There's so much to learn about electrical systems, solar panels, compost toilets, and how to work the propane tanks. It's a lot to even turn on the water. There are so many steps involved instead of just going to your house and turning on the faucet.
So I asked the Universe to please bring somebody to me to make this easier. Guess what the Universe actually brought me? The book RV and Campers for Dummies. It was sent to me in the mail from somebody anonymously from my church. It said, "From a Unity Angel." That means it's from the Unity of Houston church.
When I asked for help from the Universe, I thought it was going to be through a person. I was wrong and that's okay. This is perfect because I learned so much more from visually seeing information and writing notes than from watching videos.
Thank you, Universe. I've been given another gift today. So please keep asking the Universe for what you need, be aware of the gifts that you're being given, and utilize those gifts 100%.
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