I did it! I sold my house. I actually cried before I signed that paperwork. So many emotions were involved. I almost talked myself out of it. Watch the video to learn more.
I experienced the fear of doing something new. I way saying to myself, "What am I thinking? I don't know how to drive an RV and I don't have another house to go to." But that was just my paradigms getting in the way. It almost stopped me, but I didn't let it.
I paused and asked the Universe to give me a sign if I'm supposed to sell this house. When we go into fear, it's good to ask the Universe for an answer.
The coolest thing happened. I got a bill in the mail for this house that was triple what it usually is. It was clear as day a sign of what I needed to do.
Ask and you shall receive. I'm so grateful I asked for a sign, and that I went through with the closing paperwork. I'm grateful and relieved that this chapter in my life is complete. Now, it's time to get that RV and truck.
I hope you ask the Universe for a sign today.
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