Women Leaders, It's Time to Be Heard

Dr. Laura Cole, sign language interpreter, author, and professor, helps you get clear about what you want, communicate with confidence, and translate your dream into reality.


Why the World is Deaf to Women’s Voices

(and it's hurting your career)

  • Often, we fail to speak up with confidence
  • We are taught from a young age to be seen and not heard.
  • Historical patterns hold us back
  • Assertive, direct women can be labeled as bitchy
  • We care deeply about what others think
  • Loudness is perceived as brazen or lacking professionalism

You Deserve to Be Heard

Dr. Laura Cole teaches you the skills and tools you need to shine. You'll break out of mindsets that are holding you back and learn the language of possibility. You are not alone in this journey. Your voice matters, and your ideas can make a difference. Want to get clear and confident? Schedule a call today.


"Laura is a dynamic speaker and coach. Her positivity is infectious. She has the ability to connect on a deep level with the people she encounters both in her speaking engagements as well as one on one. Laura has the ability to inspire, encourage and motivate those around her while creating a safe space. She will guide you with love, humor, and wisdom."

Margo Green
Galloping to Greatness

Dr. Laura Cole is a professional sign language interpreter, author and motivational speaker as well as highly successful entrepreneur specializing in helping others discover their truest joy and manifest it into being.

Laura has been a workshop leader and professional presenter for over 15 years, and an adjunct professor at Texas Tech University and Lone Star College-Cy-Fair. She received her Masters in Social Work from Gallaudet University and her Doctorate in Spiritual Studies from Emerson Theological Institute.

Transform Your Finances

A 28-Day Challenge to Manifest More Money

Available NOW!.


Live your vision.

Do you have a dream about the life you want to be living? The career, the income, the relationship, and health?

This dream can become your reality.


Dr. Laura Cole discovered how powerful her thoughts were when she died in a car crash. She learned we have the power to create a life we love or a life of misery. This realistic guide to manifesting abundant success will show you how to be the master of your destiny. The only obstacle to creating a life you love is your thinking. Thoughts have power. Your mind holds the key, and your beliefs will open the door to create a life you love. With Dr. Laura Cole as their guide, students have used these techniques to double their salary, manifest $10,000 in 90 days, find their soulmate and heal themselves from numerous illnesses. Learn how to get clear on what you truly want, listen your intuition and take action to turn your dreams into a reality.


Inspirational Outcomes

Inspirational Outcomes is a motivational consulting firm that offers coaching, classes and presenting. The focus is to teach others about the power of their mind and how to co-create with the Universe so that they can accomplish and manifest anything their heart desires. The workshops inspire people to discover a dream that is in harmony with their soul’s purpose, so they can live happy, fulfilling, abundant lives.

"I have lived my life tempering my dreams based on what felt realistic to me at the time, but Laura encourages you to think bigger and to explore the details of those dreams in a very specific and detailed way. The specificity makes the dream feel more real and more attainable; it has given me a lot to think about and some new tools with which to do that thinking."

Sarah N.
Katy, TX

"Laura is a dynamic speaker and coach. Her positivity is infectious. She has the ability to connect on a deep level with the people she encounters both in her speaking engagements as well as one on one. Laura has the ability to inspire, encourage and motivate those around her while creating a safe space. I highly recommend her services especially for those who wish to get unstuck and manifest their best life. If you are unsure where you are going, or just don't know how to get there, Laura will guide you with love, humor, and wisdom."

Margo Green
Galloping to Greatness

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Let's Connect

I'd love to help you build your dream and then take action to achieve it! 

Dr. Laura Cole

💌 [email protected]

📞 832-291-0108

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Transform Your Finances

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