Are you stuck and feel like you've hit a growth plateau?
It happens—either we continue to find ways to grow and evolve, or we don't...and we find ourselves stuck in a rut.
As a sign language interpreter, there are five certification levels.
I got my first.
I got my third, which is advanced.
Then I hit a plateau and I felt like I wasn't growing anymore.
So I started doing video relay, which is interpreting phone calls. It's very difficult, but believe me, you bump up your skills.
When I plateaued on that, I became a court interpreter.
Every time in my life when I feel like I've hit a plateau, I've looked for ways to grow and learn.
This keeps my mind stimulated, and keeps me from feeling stuck.
Think about in your life where you've felt stuck, where you've become complacent.
Where is an opportunity for you to grow?
It could be by reading a book or taking a class.
Let's continue to expand our minds and lives so we don't get stuck.
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